Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Show & Tell Tuesday (Pets!)

This month's Show and Tell is dedicated to our beloved Pets; Linking up with Andrea HERE

I grew up with the funniest dog ever- he was a blonde lab (well for the most part; rumors around town was that is dad was either a St. Bernard or a Great Dane).  His name was Brandy but the bigger he grew, his nickname just stuck more and that was "Bubba!"  He was huge- he topped out at 120 pounds.
He was hysterical and so loved.  I am embarrassed that I do not have a picture of him to share with you.  My parents have all of his pics and I need to snag some one of these days.
A few things that stand out in my mind:
He escaped from the runner in the backyard one day- he actually pulled the entire pole out of the ground and my mom pulled down our street with him and this huge pole running towards her.  She started beeping the horn and he followed the car and then my brother grabbed him- stressful and then we could not stop laughing.
Another time, he took my father's cigarettes (I know who smokes anymore right?); my brother and I were at the top of the stairs looking down when we heard a commotion and the dog runs by with the entire pack of cigarettes hanging out of his mouth- it looked like he was smoking- yet another time we were doubled over in laughter.
There were also several times that he stole food right off the table- a slice of pizza here and a burger there- it was very hard to get mad at him though- he was always so funny and lovable.

Fast Forward a few years and when I moved in with Rob, they had a family dog Casey.  She was part beagle and part black lab but never got very big.  She caused lots of trouble- I nicknamed her Marie Antoinette and then Marie just stuck.  She wasn't around for a long period of time- she got sick and had to be put down.  (Again I apologize for no pics- will need to dig deep for some of those)

Then a few years later, we got our beloved bulldog Bambi
Her full name was Bambino The Curse Reversed Breton- in honor of our beloved Red Sox finally winning the World Series in 2004.
She was the best girl and we miss her everyday.
 She was a gentle soul- she would come everywhere with us and hang out wherever we were.  She never liked to walk, however, she didn't like the feeling of the cement on her pads.  She was so funny in her own way- very loyal- gentle- and we will carry her with us forever.

Since Bambi's passing, it has been too hard to think about bringing another dog into our family.

When Diana was 5 or so, she started asking for a pet and we agreed on a fish.  Diana's fish "Erin" was a survivor- she actually lived for 3 years with us!  She passed away this Winter.  Here is a picture of this fighter!

 Wasn't she pretty?

When it was time to get new fish, Diana chose a pink and a purple one- Cindy and Maddie
So far so good- we hope they end up fighters like Erin was
We love their colors
and of course, Rob made sure they had, a Yellow Submarine :)



  1. Oh my goodness! I laughed so hard at that story! We are huge Red Socks fans too. Wish we had commemorated the day with a puppy ;-)

  2. Oh my gosh, your bulldog was so adorable! Just precious.
