Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Let's Look: Our Daily Quiet Time/Prayer Time


Hi Friends!  I am joining Erica and Shay for Let's Look and this month we are talking all about our Daily Quiet Time/Prayer of my favorite topics....

Here is what my time looks like

I am usually at my desk and ready to pray/have quiet time by 6am at the latest.

Here are the books I read from daily...they include collections of devotionals and bible excerpts and a couple are books that focus on prayers to a few of my favorite saints...



In addition to my prayer time, I use my quiet time each morning to blog and get a head start on work....then things get busy with bringing Diana to school (enjoying that while it lasts) and sometimes getting Eva on the bus...and then pretty much getting my day going!  I am an early bird and just love early mornings :)

So that's it..nothing fancy...but it helps me Follow The Joy and be able to survive this crazy life...


  1. Your devotion book for women book is so pretty. I have a pretty devotional book that has a selection of Bible versus for different struggles one may be facing. I know that you literally shouldn´t judge a book by its cover but it is ok to appreciate a cute one, isn´t it, lol? Have a great Wednesday!

  2. My "quiet time" is drinking my coffee-hot chocolate and blogging. And yes, many weekday mornings, it involves checking my work email to make sure I'm not missing anything important for the day.
