Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Currently: April 2024


Hi Friends!  I am joining Jennifer for her fun linkup...we are talking about what we are up to...Currently...





 How I am a single parent this week (Rob is traveling) and I am surviving...ha!  It is just that I think the girls and I are in a groove and it has been nice to spend some alone time with them :)


Looking Forward To


 Eva's show next weekend...she is playing Marlin in Finding Nemo Jr.  Can't wait!





Some little tchotchkes for Career Day at Eva's school...I am going in and talking about being a Recruiter- this should be fun and interesting ;)






 Well nothing yet...considering we are getting some more snow tomorrow...UGH...but the planters on our front steps will be the first this year due to some special occasions coming up and wanting pretty flowers in them!





Lea's Birthday on Friday a ladies night so we can spoil her and really looking forward to a cozy night and catching up with besties :)



 What's new with you currently?






  1. Way to go on single parenting! I HATE when Dave is gone for any length of time -- even just a day. I'm always like "fend for yourselves kids!" And yes, WHY are we still expecting SNOW!!?!?! I want to plant.

  2. That is cool that you are going in to school to talk about your career. I was subbing one day at an elementary school where parents came in to talk about their careers. It was so interesting! I loved being there to hear all about the careers, lol. The upcoming show will be so cute I´m sure and celebrating a bestie´s birthday is always fun. Have a great Wednesday!

  3. Wow, snow? I like to start with planting in pots first this time of year. That play sounds so cute and hope you have a good week!

  4. You have some fun events ahead of you! Enjoy!

  5. More snow? Those little notebooks are so cute.

  6. I'm really hoping and praying we don't get that predicted snow.. but we did get some hail/ice today mixed in with all the rain. I can't wait to plant some sunny looking flowers in the pots around our front door. Good luck flying solo! I do not miss those days though I do joke and laugh that it would be so much easier now than when they were all under 5!

  7. I know you're beyond excited to see Eva's performance this weekend! Congrats on not just surviving, but thriving! Isn't it nice when they get to a certain age and everything just seems easier? I am confident that you will be a rock star at that career day coming up; who wouldn't love you??

  8. I love getting into that rhythm when Jeff is away and the boys and I just roll with it. It's a good feeling instead of the overwhelm that can come with being the only parent around. Career days can be so fun and I love that you are participating! How fun to see Eva's play and celebrate with friends in a cozy way! Good luck with that snow!

  9. Oh April snow. It's so very New England. Enjoy your girl time this week.

  10. Speaking at career fun! I remember when my dad came to my elementary school...wearing his police uniform...and he brought my class candy bars. ha!
