Monday, January 22, 2024

Hello Monday (January 22, 2024)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  I am here with Sarah and we are chatting about our weekends- hope you will join us!


Here is what ours looked like...



While I worked, Diana had midterms including a Musical Theater exam where she and her group performed their exam pieces for one of our elementary schools


Then I picked her up at noon and we hit the road- on our way to New Jersey for Adrenaline Dance Comp and Convention

We made two quick bathroom breaks on our way down and despite even some snowy conditions, we made it in a little more than 5 hours...once we checked in, we hit the hotel lounge for dinner and a cocktail for me!

We got to see the awards ceremony for the younger team kids- the studio did very well grabbing a couple of big awards!  Then we crashed.




We were up bright and early


Convention and Audition Time!


Once Diana was settled, I hit the gym with my friend Kary and enjoyed a half hour on the elyptical

 Then I showered and met back up with Kary and another Mom Val- we headed out and grabbed coffee in a cute little cafe.  Then Kary and I grabbed lunch in a nearby tavern...umm this was one of the BEST cocktails I have ever had- spicy mango margarita


 Diana did well at her audition and got a call back!


Meanwhile at home...Daddy was on birthday party drill


We then started prepping for a night of comp! know the drill


and at home, meatloaf, was on the menu ;)

 Oh these two all decked out for their number/duet "Whipped Into Shape"- they ROCKED their 80's looks thanks to Miss Amy

and...these two ninjas...placed FIRST for Duos/Trios!!!!

Check out their routine

Up next was "Money" for their Pre-Pro Company Number- it is Jazz and they are considered a "small group"....LOVE this number AND it earned them THIRD place!



 Then it was time for "Running" - contemporary number in the "Small Group" category and the placed NINTH with this one!


 Their last number was a full company production # (all company students- 12 of them were included) and the # was a combo of tap, acro, musical theater and jazz- it was fantastic- I didn't film it this time but they placed 6th!


Here are some behind the scenes shots as they were ready to go on...



Then the awards were a blast of course!  The studio did so well all weekend!


and a couple of pro shots!

After the awards, we grabbed a pizza and watched Friends until we fell asleep :)


We were up bright and early again!  2nd Day of Convention Classes for Miss Thing and Mama got in a walk and then some working :)

Then the girls got to sneak out of class early to get hair and makeup done once again.  Their group piece "Money" won them a "Wild Card" award and they got to perform it during the awards show.

The show was amazing AND Diana won an "Honored Dancer" Award AND a Scholarship to Nationals!

Very fun and successful weekend....intense yes but I feel like I am learning how to navigate these bad boys ;)

It was another 5 hour ride home but Diana slept and I powered through without one stop!  Couldn't believe it but I was determined :)  Today...back to the grind- have a great week!



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  1. Diana looks so different as an 80s dancer! And strength to you this Monday as it sounds like you didn't get much down time this weekend. Here's to extra coffee!

  2. So glad that Diana and her studio did so well. Love the pictures! Congrats to the first place duo! Amazing! Don´t you love all the costumes? Do you have a big bag to hold all of Diana´s costumes? We had a bag called the Dream Duffel. It converted into a clothing rack. It was the best way to haul costumes. Almost all of the dancers around here had them. I think there may have been a competitor brand but DD was what most dances used.

  3. What a fun weekend and yay for winning and placing so well!!

  4. What a fun weekend! Congrats to Diana and her studio for the award(s)! Don't you love watching her do what she loves?

  5. Oh mama, your Dancer is amazing. Of course I loved when they were decked out in 80s and congratulations to the duo on the first! Congratulations to all on a very successful weekend for sure and for you mama! Now give me that mango margarita, it looks delicious! Happy week sweetheart

  6. Holly, what a busy weekend for you! Thanks for hosting and I hope you have a nice week.

  7. What a fun and busy weekend! These dance competitions are keeping you on your toes!

  8. Wonderful photos and so exciting and fun! My daughter was in dance for many years as a child and now my youngest granddaughter is.

  9. What a fun weekend and great results at the competition! You do so well with all of your photos, I must remember "Be like Holly, be like Holly" lol. Have a great week and thanks again for hosting, love this link up.

  10. What a super successful weekend!! It sounds fun... and completely exhausting. :) Wishing you a mellower week.

  11. What a weekend! Congratulations to Diana! I am glad this competition went so well. It looks like you had some fun too!

  12. Sounds like such a great weekend! Congrats to them on their successful placements! That spicy margarita looks so good. I love a good spicy margarita.

  13. Love the 80's costume, she looked great!

  14. New here. What a fun, wonderful and busy weekend. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.

  15. Your girl looked gorgeous! Congrats to her and the studio!!Looks like you were able to squeeze in some fun too! :)
