Thursday, March 23, 2023

Spring Bucket List


Joanne inspired me this week to make a Spring Bucket List.  I usually do these for the fall and holidays and thought why not do one for my 2nd favorite season of the year right?!




Here we go....




1. See Diana in the WHS Production of "Mamma Mia"





2. Celebrate My Mom's 75th Birthday and My Father-In-Law's 85th Birthday with a party at Black Water Grill






3. Host an Easter Egg Hunt and Spring Fling for Eva and her pals and their Families

 (A few flashbacks)


4. Easter Cooking and Baking with Mimi




5. Celebrating Easter with our Family with Mass and Brunch




 6. Plant some veggies and herbs on the deck and flowers in the front yard

7. Go to Nantucket for a Weekend with My Besties

8. Celebrate Cass and BA's Birthdays with Besties

9. Enjoy all of the Festivities and Traditions of Memorial Day Weekend


10. Enjoy Eva's Softball Season!



11. Celebrate Eva's 9th Birthday with Family and Friends!


12. and THIS Spring is all about Eva apparently- we will also be celebrating her First Communion and Confirmation :)


Can't wait for all things spring!  What is on YOUR spring bucket list?


  1. Oh wow! You have so many wonderful celebrations and trips and fun activities to look forward to this season.

  2. What a fun list of things to look forward to this spring! From birthdays to confirmation to the kids' activities to time with friends- the future looks warm and fun for you!!

  3. Those are all great things to do! We will do some of those things as well, pertaining to Easter Sunday. It's always a fun and favorite day at church for us, and I love all the amazing music we sing on that day. I need to find an outfit for that day to wear!

  4. It sounds like a big spring! Your mom looks so incredible...can't believe she is 75! :)

  5. While I love spring, my bucket list consists of "make it through until Summer vacation!" Hahaha!!! Eva is going to have a good spring!

  6. Love your bucket list for Spring! Going to Nantucket is a life bucket list for me, never been! We usually do a summer and a Christmas bucket list. It would be fun to break it up and do a Spring one too!

  7. You have so much to look forward to. Your mom looks incredible, My mama is 75 too anc looks amazing; I bet our mamas would be fast friends and have so much in common! Happy Spring babe!

  8. What a great list! I need to work on mine - I started it. So much to look forward to!

  9. I'm excited for you! Sounds like you have an amazing list of fun things to look forward to.
