Thursday, December 29, 2022

Monthly Musings: Goals For The New Year!


Hi Friends!  It is the LAST Thursday of the month and the LAST Thursday of the year- what?!  Patty and I are SO GLAD you stopped by for our LAST Monthly Musings of the year!  We are talking all about Goals in the New Year!  Hope you will join us by grabbing our graphic above and answering our questions below and then linking back up with us at the bottom of this post!  C'mon it's you last chance this year!


Here is what we are asking...


 Here we go!



1. Do you make resolutions/goals for the new year?


Yes I typically do but I am not going to this year...I am not putting a timeline on my goals this year because when I do and don't achieve them, I feel like a failure so this year I am giving myself some grace and working towards my personal and professional goals privately and internally.



2. Do you have diet/exercise goals?


Why yes I do!  Can't wait to start a new program with my bestie next week!



3. Do you have personal/professional goals for 2023?

Yes...but see #1



4. Do you use a planner?  Paper?  Electronic?  Combo?


Yes - I use my Outlook Calendar on my phone and on my computer and Rob created our family calendar on Outlook on our phones too which makes it so easy to see what everyone is up to or what we need to achieve every day- I don't know how we survived with out it in the past!


 5. Do you have a word or phrase in 2023?


Well my phrase for 2022 ended up being "Make It Happen!" We took it on as our family goal actually and we all truly did Make It Happen..this one is going to be a TBD for me for now...but I am sure once I settle on will be shared here at some point!


6. Ring In the New Year or Asleep by 10?


As early as I go to bed most of the time, I am usually able to stay up to watch the ball drop.  We are usually with friends and it is fun to rally.  I will never forget at the end of 2020 when the ball dropped and we celebrated and little Eva looked up at me and said "does this mean that Corona Virus is over?" Oh my heart 


7. Favorite Thing To Do on New Year's Day?



I usually enjoy a long lunch with the Fab Four...we always go to Copper Door and enjoy lunch and cocktails and recap our holidays and celebrate the start of another year!


8. Any special travel plans for 2023?


This is a BIG year...I am turning 50 and we are going to make one of my dreams/bucket list items come true and travel to Italy or "my homeland."  We are going at the beginning of August so plenty of time to plan and we will be staying for a week- the first half of the trip will be spent in Rome and the 2nd half will be spent on the Amalfi Coast- we are going with some other families so I will be able to experience this dream with my hubby and girls and some of my best friends and their families.  I can't is rather emotional.  We have been saving for so long for this!


If we do any other traveling this year, it will be long weekends here and there but the economy will be dictating the travels this year...things are really uncertain and up in the air so we shall see.


 9. Things/Events You Are Most Looking Forward to in 2023?


Seeing Diana in her first high school shows, seeing both girls in LDA's spring production, watching Eva take her softball to the next level, the results of E2M, Nantucket Weekend with My Besties in May...


a REAL and HEALTHY summer with solid beach and pool time, 4th of July Weekend at the McLain's lake house,  Enjoying Fall and the Festivities and perhaps an Oktoberfest this year and decorating "on time" and after Thanksgiving because all of our hosting should be back this fall...We are also REALLY looking forward to sharing some special family news VERY soon!


10. Will you be watching any bowl games on New Year's or around New Year's?


Nope...not I but my hubby I am sure will!



Happy New Year My Friends!  Patty and I are so grateful for all of our readers!  You make our linkups so fun and we appreciate all of the support!  We are looking forward to a new year of fun topics and hope you will join in!  


Here is to 2023 with our new graphic!


 Here are the topics and schedule for next year too!


You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Happy 2023 Holly! The trip to Italy sounds amazing and I love your tradition of having lunch and cocktails with your friends on new year's day.

  2. ITALY! Yeah!! That will be amazing. You know it's funny but from time to time, I think about Eva asking if Corona was over after the ball dropped in 2020 (you wrote about it at the time shortly after it happened). It certainly wasn't over then but it seems like we are living with it now and still able to enjoy life... guess it took two more years for it to "end." Anyway, fun post to read and thanks for hosting the link up. Happy New Year!

  3. @Ruth thank you so much- will definitely write about it here!

  4. @Maria- I know it is still surreal! Aww glad you remember that story because I will never forget it- Happy New Year!

  5. That 50th birthday trip sounds fabulous!! Happy New Year and thanks for hosting!

  6. Eek! Amalfi coast, what a dream!! Enjoy every moment. (Sarah M. at Toronto SAM)

  7. Oh I have always wanted to visit Italy too; I hope you have the best trip ever!! Sounds like you have some great plans and hopes for 2023. Wishing you and your family a wonderful new year.

  8. YAY for Italy!!! That sounds like an AMAZING trip!!! What a great way to celebrate 50!!! And I'm excited to hear about your special family news. I totally hear you about "quiet resolutions and goals." That's how I'm feeling about 2023 too.
