Monday, December 5, 2022

Hello Monday (December 5, 2022)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!


Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by! If you blogged today, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!  C'mon it'll be fun :)


Here is what our festive little weekend looked like...


Friday Morning


I took Diana to school but we made a pit stop at Fuel Good in town for some yummy protein shakes for breakfast...snapped a quick shot of her...she was getting ready for a big day...after school she auditioned for her very first high school drama!




Friday Night


I hosted my Annual Favorite Things Party for my besties and we had an absolute blast- lots of laughs- fun gifts from small local businesses to some of the best skincare, perfume, soaps, food and more- everyone got so into it!


We also enjoyed a lovely meal catered by Rig A Tony's - a local Italian Restaurant- we indulged in a Tuscan Platter, Stuffed Mushrooms, Lobster Ravioli, Caeser Salad and Scali Bread.  For dessert, we enjoyed some treats my friends brought as well.


I made a yummy Christmas Sangria.  You can find the recipe HERE



Shot of the Fab Four


I went with all black AND a pop of color with these fun red heels- thank you Amazon!

The Gang's All Here!

and yup...always annoying each other...hysterical!

We had such a great night! :)





The morning consisted of breakfast and shuffling between dance and hockey... 

 Oh and these two ;)

 Then we got to enjoy Eva's first hockey game (her team has been playing but she had to miss the first few games due to Nutcracker rehearsals). She was excited to finally be back on the ice!

Though her team lost, we loved how hard they played

From there, Papa took the girls home and Diana bathed Eva for us.  Then my Dad picked up the girls for a sleepover adventure.  Rob and I headed into the city for a much needed and long overdue date night and overnight!

We checked into our hotel, my favorite, The Marriott Long Wharf Boston.  It sits in my favorite section of the city- the North End and Waterfront.


Such a great view from our room!


We then headed down to the hotel bar for a cocktail and snack


Then we Ubered over to my favorite church for mass (it is not far from our hotel BUT it was raining like crazy)- St. Leonard's in the North End...there have been many times I have headed there for special prayers....and they always get answered.  Both sets of my mom's grandparents also got married here!  It is such a beautiful church- there are statues of the saints everywhere!


First- the clock tower :)


Then arriving at the church- wish I could snap pics inside so you could see how beautiful and all of the magnificent statues


After that, it had stopped raining so we walked back to our hotel to change and freshen up for dinner.


Love all of the lights in the pathway back to our hotel- so pretty!


We were originally going to head to Grill 23 in the Back Bay BUT the only reservation I could get was at 8:15 and we didn't want to fall asleep accidentally SO I hopped back on Open Table to browse around and found that Eddie Merlot's in the Seaport could seat us at 7:30 so we quickly changed our reservations and Uber'd on over.



As soon as we walked in, we were surprised to meet up with our old friends Pat and Joanne- we couldn't stop hugging each other!

Then they returned to their group and we were ushered to a private room in the back for dinner.  It was an amazing meal and we had so many laughs as we went down memory lane....I realized this night that I have been through so much this was the first time I let it sink in and started to exhale and decompress.

I almost didn't make it but I wouldn't let myself go there because I pushed forward for my felt good to sit in those feelings...for a night anyway...and my hubby, as always, was my is a strange time for Nutcracker...entering a new and different year.

Anyway...we ordered the same meal which consisted of a 4 oz filet topped with crab, 4 grilled shrimp and fingerling potatoes and accompanied by a side salad- delish!

I am finding I will fluctuate each day between sadness...gratitude...relief...and sometimes I am moving forward and pushing my girls to do the same.  Robby B is always there for all of us...grateful I got him for a night alone :)


For dessert, we totally indulged and got the bananas foster which was made for us table side!


Then on our way out, we had to get another hug and snap some pics together :)

We crashed hard!  Until we were woken up at 2:30am by some partiers in the next suite over- ugh!  Luckily we fell back to sleep pretty quickly!


We were up bright and early because why?  Our bodies are so programmed!  We took the chance to take a nice walk again and walked back to the North End.  We grabbed coffee and split a breakfast sandwich in the cutest little Italian cafe...then we bopped on over to Modern Pastry to pick up some treats for our parents.

It was a brisk and beautiful morning!

When we got to my parents, we enjoyed some coffee and catching up and then headed home to get organized for the week.

Diana had a rehearsal for her upcoming RAD exams and Robby B decided he really wanted to do the grocery shopping.  Pidge and I threw a roast in the oven and settled in with some Hallmark AND a nap- so luxurious!  (Someone was breaking in her new pointe shoes - yes with a hammer- eek!)

It was a great way to end our weekend :)  What were you up to?



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  1. How fun was Boston? Also, your party and those shoes! Are they comfy? I want a show stopper heel but haven't found one I can handle yet! I had no idea ballerinas used a hammer to break them in! Ha!

  2. What a great weekend, Holly! I am in awe of your energy!! Your trip into Boston looks amazing. What a great hotel, meal and spending QT with your husband. I hope Diana's try outs went well- I'm sure she'll get a great part with all of her talent. Have a wonderful Monday :).

  3. What a fun an festive weekend. Your favorite things party looks like so much fun. I love the group photo of you and your friends. I'm so glad you were able to get away for an overnight. I hope you continue to feel better with each passing day.

  4. That sounds like such a fabulous weekend!! Now I kind of want to get away to Boston.. it's been a while since we've been in the city.

  5. What a great weekend! Boston is on our bucket list!

  6. Hmmm yum to the Christmas sangria!! And your shoes are just so colourful and festive. I love them!!

  7. What a wonderful getaway weekend, as well as the favorites party. I know what you mean about reflecting back on a year when you've been through so much. It can feel overwhelming, but you're grateful at the same time to have it behind you. I felt that way in 2017 after Hurricane Harvey. Have a good week!

  8. What a full and fun weekend! I am glad you are feeling much better. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family.
