Friday, December 16, 2022

Friday Favorites (December 16, 2022)


Hi Friends and Happy Friday!  We made it!  Yeah!

As always, linking up HERE and sharing some faves from our week


She had a great week making her clothespin doll for a big immigration project - meet Sofia "The Italian Lady"

and she along with her fellow student council reps helped run a Buddy Bracelets fundraiser to raise money to buy decorations and toys for kids who are stuck in the hospital over Christmas.  Kids at The Elliott Hospital will hopefully feel some joy this season!


She had another big week.  She completed her Intermediate Foundation RAD Exams on Monday (Royal Academy of Dance).  She felt good so now we wait for the scores which could take up to a couple of months.

She started rehearsals for the straight one act play she got cast in and although she was being mopey about it and not really into it, during her first rehearsal, I got a text that said "This is SO fun"...I said "Can I now say I told ya so?" She laughed ;)

Lastly, she auditioned for her first high school musical which will take place in March - Mamma Mia!  Freshmen rarely get parts but she is just happy she got a call back which will happen today.  She will most likely be in the ensemble but we were thrilled that she got a call back.  Proud of her grit!




Festive Attire


I just love the sparkles...the joyful sayings and all of the festive attire this time of year!


Holiday Snack

Robby B knows the way to my heart...have you tried these?  You should...TODAY

So....Just Follow It!

Best Yoga Class!

Our friend Rich started teaching yoga at our gym recently and Cass and I got to take our first class with him- proud of him and psyched to be able to take more of his classes!

Tis the Season

To make one of our favorite traditions happen- thanking our delivery drivers!


That's a wrap!  Wishing you the most festive weekend!









  1. You are rocking your festive outfits! Looking amazing in this fun season ;). Good luck and congrats to Diana. Abby got speaking speaking roles in the high school play her freshman year over some upper classmen who did not get speaking roles. She had one of the starring roles in the play her junior year and then her school didn't have a play her senior year (this was the covid/ mask year)- sooooo disappointing but it made us more glad than ever that she'd had good roles her freshman through junior years. Mamma Mia will be so fun!

  2. Love all your festive outfits! Best of luck to Diana on her call back audition.

  3. Love your festive attire! I love those Peppermint Crunch but have yet to see them. I will make that my mission this weekend! Yum! Amazing things your girls are doing!
