Monday, August 29, 2022

Hello Monday and Hello Road To Recovery!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by!  If you blogged today, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below.

So if you have been following along, then you know I had surgery on Thursday.  I had a full laparoscopic hysterectomy and thank God all went well.  The suspicious cyst on one of my ovaries is being sent to pathology but my doctor is hopeful and does not suspect we will get any bad news.  I am pain but fighting through and taking short walks with Robby B each is what our last few days have looked like...


The girls stayed with Papa and we headed to the hospital for 9am to get checked in.  My surgery was scheduled for 11:10 but didn't end up starting until 12:30...not sure why...I was knocked out and don't remember anything...I will do a full post on this experience eventually.

I was able to come home that night...rough night of sleep and getting up to go the bathroom several times but Robby B was my champion.




It was all about rest and I had a visit with a basket of treats from Cass and Laurel which was so nice...also had some special deliveries throughout the day...felt spoiled 



Diana and I watched The Nutcracker- ha!  T Minus 2 weeks until Auditions but who's counting ;)

and the girls went for a swim/read...hmmm ;)


Mike made us dinner...Lea told him to...ha!  It was amazing

My mom made some of my favorite dishes too so we have been well taken care of


Rob and I have binging "Last Man Standing" and we are pumped that we have nine whole seasons to enjoy

 and we snuck in a short walk!





It was a better night of sleep!  We then started the day with a short walk...trying to walk a little every day because it helps the recovery :)


 I also took the best nap of my life!  I slept on the chair in my office and it was such a deep sleep, it felt so good!


Later on, Rob drove me to a spray tan appointment and then a hair appointment...I know I know...the only reason was so I could look presentable at Kayla's bridal shower on Sunday...however long I would last



That night, Beth Ann brought us dinner and my brother brought us some treats and my parents came to visit as well.  It felt good to have everyone around me and then it was early to bed.





 Kayla's shower was beautiful and I was so happy that I could be there for it...I made it through!  Will do a separate post on this wonderful day later...for now...going to rest and recover...thanks for following along :)


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  1. I'm so thankful that surgery went well, that your recovery seems to be going really well, that you are being taken care of and loved and am super impressed that you made it to the bridal shower. I hope that lots of rest is in your near future. How do you look so good in all the pictures?? ;). I hope you have a great day!

  2. I figured that was the surgery you were having...I know you are so glad to have this behind you now! I am also glad to hear they could do it laparoscopically, which really helps. Good for your hubby for taking such excellent care of you and yay for friends who show you their love by sending happies in the mail. You keep on resting, sweet friend and take care! ❤

  3. I’ve been thinking about you sweetheart and I’m so glad everything went well! It’s so crazy how similar our stories were with a suspicious cyst. I have no doubt pathologies will come back clear! I’m so happy you are surrounded by supportive tribe! Many hugs to you!

  4. I'm so glad to hear the surgery went well. I have been praying for you. You look amazing at the bridal shower and it's wonderful that your friends and family have been taking such good care of you. Sending much love and more prayers for a quick recovery and good test results xx

  5. So glad to hear that surgery went well and you are recovering nicely! I forced myself to walk a bit each day too but had to really hold myself back from overdoing it. So glad you made it to the shower-- now rest and let your family keep taking care of you!

  6. Oh my friend! Glad you are recovering well. I have been praying for you every morning. Take it easy please!


  7. So glad your surgery went well. Praying for a speedy recovery!

  8. So glad your surgery went well! Praying for a speedy recovery

  9. Oh my goodness, Holly! I'm so glad to hear that the surgery went well and that you're healing nicely. It sounds like you're being well taken care of, so continue to rest. Sending lots of hugs and prayers for a quick recovery.

  10. I'm so glad all went well. What a relief to have it over with. Hang in there and get plenty of rest. Thinking of you!

  11. I'm so glad that everything went well. Take it easy! I had my total hysterectomy two years ago. It took a few weeks of rest before I started to feel normal again. Tiring quickly was the biggest side effect. I hope you continue to feel better! Prayers for a clean bill of health.

  12. I'm so glad that everything went well. Take it easy! I had my total hysterectomy two years ago. It took a few weeks of rest before I started to feel normal again. Tiring quickly was the biggest side effect. I hope you continue to feel better! Prayers for a clean bill of health.

  13. I'm so glad that everything went well. Take it easy! I had my total hysterectomy two years ago. It took a few weeks of rest before I started to feel normal again. Tiring quickly was the biggest side effect. I hope you continue to feel better! Prayers for a clean bill of health.

  14. I hope you are feeling better! I cannot wait to read about the surgery as I am considering the same thing this fall, I'm mostly worried about recovery so I hope you're doing well!

  15. I am so glad that you are feeling better. I had this done in June and it is a rough recovery. Take the time to heal. It is a long process but so worth it in the end. Sending positive thoughts on good pathology results.
