Monday, August 1, 2022

Hello Monday and Hello Relaxing Summer Weekend


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I are so glad you stopped by!  If you blogged today, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below!  Would love to see what you were up to this weekend!

Here  is what our little weekend looked like...


I ended up taking the day off so I could sleep in and catch up on some much overdue rest- the stress and all of the hospital tests have caught up to ended up being a wonderful day as some of my besties as we dubbed ourselves "The Fab Four" joined me for an afternoon by the pool and a dinner of my clam chowder and peach, tomato and burrata salad....we loved decompressing and dishing and just spending QT together in our matching Lilly "Lobstah Roll" Coverups :)


It was another great day to sleep in and relax with some errands mixed in- iPhone repair for Diana- a grooming appointment for Remi

(all better and ALL CLEAN...yeah!  With his new shark leash)


and a long walk for Mama and was so hot we collapsed when we got home and pounded a ton of water...interesting message we saw during our jaunt...a message I am taking to heart right now for sure...

Daddy cooked for us on Saturday night- steaks on the grill with yummy broccoli and potatoes and we did a special toast with a bottle of wine from his boss...we saved it for this special occasion when he brought on his first new client- we are all very proud of Daddy!

We crashed early and watched another documentary about "Theranos" ...just fascinating!






It was another slow and lazy day with some groceries and yard work mixed in but it was just what the doctor ordered. 


Some swimming...


some Christmas in July on Hallmark..some napping and cooking and total rest!  (This hawk visited a few times yesterday- I was scared to death and not happy that he seems so comfortable in our yard and on the pool fence!)


Oh and once I finished assembling the favors for Kayla's Bridal Shower, Daddy curled the ribbon for me because I don't know how to do that- he is the master! :)

That's a wrap!  Have a great week friends :)

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  1. I know you will be glad when all the testing and waiting for results is over. I'm so sorry you're going through all of that! I can somewhat relate when I went through that 7 or 8 years is mentally exhausting. I am praying for answers and a plan for you, my friend. I'm so glad you were able to take Friday off and stay home to recharge and catch up with friends. I love those coverups and your chowder looks AMAZING. I love any/every kind of chowder I've ever tasted. It sounds like your weekend was just what you needed. Thanks for hosting us for this link up each week! ❤

  2. Sounds like a sweet weekend! I don’t know if you remember but the past few years I’ve been having female problems and ended up having to have a hysterectomy in September. Now I don’t have to worry about those cancer scares anymore. I will pray you get the right answers and the outcome will give you such peace of mind!

  3. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend and were able to relax after having all those tests. I can only imagine how exhausting it must have been waiting for those results! Hope you have a great rest of the week xx

  4. What a great weekend! Glad you were able to catch up on rest but still have lots of QT with friends and family. Love the matching cover ups! You guys look so cute together. I hope you feel refreshed and recharged and that you continue to get answers to your health issues. Have a great Monday!

  5. @andrea I may message you- I have so many questions- thank you for sharing XO

  6. I'm here too Holly if you want to send me an e-mail/message. I had a hysterectomy in 2020 and while I was so nervous it honestly was the best thing I ever did. It sounds like this was a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

  7. @Joanne- thank you! I will definitely be reaching out- appreciate it XO
