Monday, January 24, 2022

Hello Monday (Januyary 24, 2022)


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  Sarah and I hope you will join in on our linkup fun!  If you blog today, grab our graphic above and link back up to us below...we want to read all about what you've been up to!


Here is what our weekend looked like in our little corner of the world....




I am SLAMMED at work and so so happy about it!  It is funny- I am happiest when I am overwhelmed and busy busy recruiting!  I was still able to sneak out for a quick lunch with my Betty Boop

That night, we brought the girls to voice, dance and acting and I got to enjoy my "hot date" for an hour...we grabbed some apps and a cocktail

After we got the girls, we headed to our monthly Family Faith was really helpful AND we got very silly at one point too ;)


It was 5 degrees but I was determined and my awesome hubby complied...we went for our date walk..this was a record low temp for can only get better from here right?



Then it was time to take Diana to Starbucks and the Chiro and Dance

We have had to build the Chiro into her weekly schedule and it has already helped loosen up her hips and straighten out her ankles- we LOVE Dr. Dan :)

After bringing her to dance, we did some organizing at home then picked up Diana, ate a quick lunch at home and headed up to Eva's Godparents' Beach House in Wells Maine...this was a LONG overdue get together and we enjoyed every second...we got to see the house and hang out, then we headed to mass together and then came back to the house for dinner, catching up and a mad card game which was so so fun!  We left with our hearts full!


Since we all went to mass on Saturday evening, we all got to attend Eva's hockey fun to watch her in action

We then meal planned and Rob did the groceries and then when he got home, I started meal prepping for the week and brought Diana to her YAGP rehearsal. 


Then it was time to chill for the rest of the afternoon and evening, dance with Remi and show Eva the magic of Jiffy Pop...and of course, rest up for another big week ahead!




One last note!  Patty and I are starting Monthly Musings 2022 this Thursday!  We are talking all things LOVE...see our questions below

 AND see our new graphic below...we hope you will join us by answering these "lovely" questions :)  and then grab our graphic and link back up....remember to come back on THURSDAY...yeah!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


  1. Great pictures of you and your friends! It looks like you had a lovely, though cold, weekend. Glad the chiro is helping. My son went regularly for a while when he was a teenager. Have a great Monday, friend!

  2. What a nice albeit cold weekend! You did a lot! Your family and friends seem so sweet! I had a great experience with a chiropractor. He helped me a lot!

  3. Looks like you enjoyed a great weekend! What a fun way to make popcorn, I've never seen those pans before!!

  4. We went walking this weekend too but saved our walk for Saturday afternoon so it was in the mid-20's at least. I give you credit; I don't think I could motivate myself to walk at 5 degrees!! I just realized that my kids have never had or seen jiffy pop! I always thought that was so fun and magical when I was a kid.

  5. What a great weekend! I cannot believe you braved that freezing weather on Saturday morning! Way to go! Your trip looks so great!
