Monday, January 17, 2022

Hello Monday and Hello Winter Wonderland!


Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  We are waking up to a "Winter Wonderland" here and Diana also enjoyed her "Winter Wonderland" dance on Friday today's theme is "Winter Wonderland"....Sarah and I hope you will join us for our Hello Monday Linkup!  Just grab our graphic and link up with us below if you blogged today!


Thank you to MLK for this day and for all of his inspiration and hope he instilled in our world!


Here are some snapshots of our weekend



Friday Night


Diana had her 8th Grade Winter Wonderland Dance which was also her very first Semi-Formal grateful they were able to enjoy this night...they did have to wear masks but it was worth it!


 After I snapped a few pics, she hopped on her phone to check her email and saw that the cast list had been posted for the Middle School Production.  They are doing "You're A Good Man Charlie Brown" and Diana was over the moon as she was cast as Sally!  She started screaming and ran over to me and gave me the biggest hug ever....that's how I know she was happy...ha!


 A few minutes later, her entourage arrived for group pics


 and I had to get one with my "little" girl...sigh

 Since the girls loving coming to our house, we agreed to host this night and the sleepover after...they really are a great group!  Friends brought little gifts to show their appreciation- snapped this quick cute pic of Diana and Nat


 Then it was time to bring the girls to the dance!


Meanwhile, in Lowell, Pidge enjoyed being able to play at Tsongas Arena, home of the UMASS Lowell hockey team and the Manchester Monarks...she got to play in an exhibition game and felt like a rock star!


 and her family was there to cheer her on...oh my heart!


Once I dropped the girls off at the dance, I met up with Lea down the street for dinner...we enjoyed killing time while the kids were tearing it up at the dance ;)  She will kill me for posting these...already warned me not too...but when I do...I laugh so hard waiting for that call...HA!



When I picked up the girls, they were all wound up and filling me in on all of the gossip..."spilling the tea" as they call it





Considering it was several degrees below zero, we decided to skip our date walk...not my favorite way to start my Saturdays but it was too cold even for me!  Rob grabbed the girls donuts and I spent some time with Pidge.


My Mom got to my house at 11am and then we took off for Ogunquit!  For Christmas, my mom treated me to an overnight in Ogunquit...we are always happiest by the ocean


We started with lunch at Robert's in Kittery where we had the most amazing chowder...the views were beautiful too



Then we headed the rest of the way to Ogunquit and checked into our hotel- Anchorage By The Sea- ah so peaceful!

Then we drove around exploring and found one of my favorite shops- Spoiled Rotten.  This is the home of "Cracker Smack" which I have talked about here before...stocked up on some more and loved looking at all of the trinkets they had in this adorable shop!

It looked like a guest so beautiful and three floors of cuteness inside!


Then we drove around a little more and then headed back to our hotel to chill for was a great time to catch up and watch a movie (and stay warm!)


Quick pics at the ocean before heading inside...brrr...



We then freshened up and changed and headed to dinner right down the street at Crew OGT...we are so glad we picked this hoppin' place...really enjoyed the live music..reminded us of Rob's days with his old band and people even started dancing...we got silly and were really entertained!  The food was also amazing!


 After we finished eating, we headed over to the bar for some cocktails and to enjoy the Pats game...we have never been more into the game..but they had a chance to make it to the Superbowl..not that we expected them to this year but we were hoping AND Mama might have a mad crush on Mac Jones ;)


 It really was an awful game...kinda embarrassing...we called my Dad at home to give him a hard time but called him late and scared him...we laughed so hard...sorry Dad...eek!


At home, my little fam was over at the Saklad's enjoying mourning the game- ha! 


We crashed hard in our hotel and slept pretty well!





We checked out and headed over to Raspberry's for a delicious breakfast before heading home... 



Our little overnight was so peaceful and good for the soul and a great time to catch up with my Mama!

When I got home, Diana was in the middle of her virtual audition for the AAB (American Academy of Ballet) Summer School...I snuck some pics and a video because I am crazy like that!

Later on, she had a three hour rehearsal for  YAGP (Youth American Grand Prix) competition which is taking place in Worcester in a few weeks- eek!  This year she is doing a ballet number again AND a contemporary number-we are really excited- she has been working very hard and her studio posted a video of her on their stories yesterday....took a couple of screen shots ;)

That's a wrap!  How was your weekend!  Thanks for stopping by!




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  1. Hi Holly! Your daughter is darling! Thanks so much for hosting!

  2. What an amazing weekend! Congrats to Diana & she (& her friends!) look gorgeous. So grown up. I’m glad you had so much fun with your mom. Sounds like the perfect gift!

  3. What a fun weekend! Yummy food, drinks, and time with family. Your daughter looked lovely in her dress.

  4. Congrats to Diana on her part in the play & how wonderful that the girls had a blast at the middle school dance. What a great weekend away with your mom! You guys went to the same beach in the summer didn't you? Isn't it amazing how different it is in the winter? It looks beautiful in the winter but definitely not relaxing on the beach weather :).

  5. Wow! Sounds like an amazing weekend! The photos from the dance are great and I am so glad the kids got this opportunity. Amazing opportunity for Eva to skate at UMASS Lowell. Jealous of your weekend get away.

  6. What a fun weekend! It looks like everyone had a wonderful one!

  7. I love Diana's pink dress amidst all the black! It looks like such a fun time with your mom!

  8. Diana is so beautiful. Love the pink.

  9. What a great weekend! Your daughter's dress was beautiful. I love that she looked different from her friends! Also, I love that your mom gives you an experience at Christmas over a gift. As someone who loves quality time, I think that's a great idea. I need to remember that this year at Christmas! My best friend and I always do that for one night in December. It's one of our favorite traditions.

  10. Your trip with your mom sounds so fun!! What a great Christmas gift! Good luck to Diana and all of her upcoming shows!

  11. Congratulations to both your girls!! Sally in the play and playing hockey in a cool arena! I love that you had some fun with your mom! The town looks so cute too! That was a great weekend!
