Monday, January 3, 2022

Happy New Year and an Announcement!


Hi Friends and Happy New Year! 

I wanted you to know that Sarah (Sunshine and Books) and I will be taking over the Hello Monday Linkup and Party in 2022!  Stay tuned for more details- we can't wait to get the are my thoughts....

 So excited for a new and fresh year...we had a great time celebrating the end of 2021 with our closest friends and then kicked off the new year with some tradition and lots of resting to power up for the new year!

On New Year's Eve, we had an early
dinner with the Batsons at one of our favorite Asian restaurants- Chief Wok


and then we headed back to our house and we let Diana have her besties over for a fun little night with lots of pics and funny stories and Mama and Daddy were happy to crash early this year!

On New Year's Day, I headed to our annual Fab Four lunch which entailed lots of catching up and great free therapy! ;)

and the rest of the weekend consisted of movies, tv shows, meal prepping, napping and snuggling with this guy...just what the doctor ordered!

I truly hope 2022 is a better year for all of us- wishing you all a healthy and happy year!