Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Return Of Our Real Book Club




 I was so excited to have a "real" book club again...everyone but one person was able to attend and the only reason our friend couldn't attend is that she was at her beach we are back to normal here!  This was our best turn out ever and it was so much fun reconnecting with these wonderful ladies!

Our book a few months ago was "Murder At The Bake Sale" by Lee Hollis. It is the follow up mystery novel to "Murder At the PTA"...our meeting kept getting postponed due to various COVID scares so we decided to push it to June and so glad we did...we are now on track again and I am excited to read with these ladies more often again!

I hosted and kept things simple....

Had my patriotic decor going  of course...

and did a few apps....

the girls love when I throw this goat cheese appetizer together- you cover it in apricot preserves and sprinkle some nuts on it and serve it with crackers...they always wipe it out  :)

and then I made some tortellini skewers, a veggie platter and put out a big ole pretzel with honey mustard :)

For desserts, I went overboard...didn't bake...not a big baker...but hit our local bakery Klemm's and stocked up on cupcakes and cookies for the occasion and to pay homage to the book!

and also had wine, seltzer and water!

Such a quick and fun read...check it small town mysteries when you can also chuckle!

Our Lovely Crew!

Until next time...


  1. That sounds like such a fun night! And a really cute book too; reminds me a bit of the Cupcake Bakery Mysteries I've been reading through.

  2. Looks like a great evening! All that food looks so good- you nailed it!!

  3. Aww so fun you got your book club back together. My group was more of a wine club than a book club--ha ha! But I do need to get my group started back up!

  4. What a fun night! The food looks amazing!
