Monday, July 26, 2021

Hello Monday and Our Weekend at Wild Acres Camp Ground 2021!



Hi Friends and Happy Monday!  We are finally getting ready for a nice stretch of weather here in New England so I am hoping to say next week that I got into the pool with the kids and spent some time out on the back deck grillin and chillin...stay tuned!


But first, today, linking up with the lovely ladies HERE 

and sharing our weekend up at Wild Acres Camp Ground.  This was our 2nd summer doing this trip to hang with our Dance Pals and so glad we have made it a tradition.  You can read about last year's trip HERE 




This year, the girls were in Triple Threat Theater Camp- yeah!  Rob and I took the day off to get everything packed and enjoy a Lunch Date!  We were off to a great start.


Zach came to stay over Thursday night and work from our house on Friday so he could be there for Remi for the weekend...Remi gets VERY EXCITED when Zach is coming to play- it's so cute!



We then picked up the girls at 4 and hit the road!  Always exciting...and never dull in these parts...we got caught in a hail storm- kid you not!


 We had to snap a pic of this song...we were listening to the Satellite Broadway Channel and Diana's favorite song from Smash came on :)



Once we got to camp, we checked in and then struggled finding our site...we road around for a half the Jeep and I was in our rented golf cart...finally a staff member rescued us...due to one wrong turn we ended up at the other end of the camp ground...crazy because it is 70 acres!  When we finally found where we were, we chuckled because we were so close to where we stayed last year!


This year's site was less modern but bigger and much more functional and made us want to buy one...we shall see...anyway, we unpacked and grilled up some dinner and started to chill!


A few shots of the inside...



Then we headed over to the James' site and chilled for the night...we had so much many laughs!


 We even face timed Tina...she is in Maryland visiting family..and we missed her!



 Late night family selfie back at our site :)





We knew we were going to have an awesome day and decided to enjoy the camp ground and not hit the beach....We started with a family wasn't easy lots of squawking! Ha!


We then got to relax...what's that?  Ha! 


 Then the older girls tried zip lining while Rob and Chris supervised 



and Mama enjoyed a daytime happy hour with Jeff...Judy was a little run down from the night before ;)


 Jeff and Jasper- their Great Dane- he is such a big boy but so so sweet!


Such a pretty deck and porch...


 We were joking...Jeff's Apps...vs. Holly's Apps...

Later on, we hit the was such a beautiful day and the pool was so refreshing!!


We call these shots, "The Men of Wild Acres!"

That night, we grilled at the James' and enjoyed our delicious dinner and more catching up!


These two are two peas in a pod :)



At the end of the night, we decided to do most of our packing as Sunday was supposed to be heavy rain (shocker during this summer) ;)


We knew it was going to be a rainy day so we were up bright and early and decided to hit the famous Maine Diner on our way home...and SO GLAD we did!

We all shared a Blueberry Pancake because that is what they are famous for...

and I got the Lobster Quiche which ended up being one of the best meals I have ever had in my entire life...

It also came with a blueberry muffin so we packed it up to take home and enjoy later and when we did, I dubbed it the BEST blueberry muffin I have ever had!

The rest of the day was spent relaxing and watching some heart is full!  Happy Monday!


  1. What a fun weekend! Bummer about the rain on Sunday but it sounds like great weather on Friday and Saturday.

  2. I debated about getting the lobster quiche! I am such a huge quiche fan. Despite the wacky weather it looks like you had a really great weekend.

  3. I remember when you shared this trip last summer. Looks like you all had a great time. Zip lining, pool, great food and fun with friends!
