Wednesday, June 16, 2021

PTA- The End of an Era

Well things wind down at the end of the school year....something else is winding down for time is ending as the Vice President of the Windham PTA....I can't believe it has been 5 years!


This was actually my second stint on our PTA...I was President for 3 years in the early 2000's when my stepkids were in school.


I was reluctant to join again as the first time was very challenging and overwhelming.


This time, however?  I met some of my best friends and truly had a ball getting involved!


I really enjoyed coordinating events like our Meet The School Board Candidates Night, Educator Of The Year and Academic Recognition favorite part, however, was judging the 8th Grade Essay Contest...the kids never ceased to amaze me with their stories and was a privilege to be part of the community.


It is time, however, to let some new peeps steps in and bring their energy and fresh ideas...I will still be helping out at the Middle School but it is time to pass the torch...


Our President, my friend Shannon, is stepping down after 7 years and it will be a huge loss to our PTA....but we still are gifted with her talents as she is the Chair of our School Board....


Most importantly, I have her, Bethany and our Book Club Ladies as friends for life and I will be forever grateful to our PTA for bringing us all together.


Last week, we enjoyed some lasts...the Senior Breakfast and our very last meeting in our roles...our team surprised us with a lovely speech and beautiful gifts including amazing memory collages...there were many tears shed!


Thank you for letting me share this memory as it has been a big part of my has been amazing learning the inner workings of our school and bringing some joy to our community... a few pics before signing off....


 Senior Breakfast! (6am on Thursday- not bad!)


 and our last meeting Thursday night.....



What a special group of women...will remember these days forever....


  1. What a special photo collage gift. It sounds like you met an amazing group of friends with your time on the PTA.

  2. It sounds like you time was well spent and much appreciated. I was co-president of the kids PTA when they were in private school (in kindergarten and pre-k) and I really enjoyed it. I was so devastated when the school shut down and all us moms went our separate ways.

  3. Congrats on serving your school so well. And it is wonderful that you made some great friends while serving!

  4. Awe! I love all of these photos! I was never a PTA officer, but I helped any way that I could. I met so many wonderful moms during our elementary years, and they will always be so special to me. I know you worked so hard for your school!
