Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Let's Look: Summer Bucket List Edition (2021)

 Hi Friends!  Today I am linking up with Erika and Shay HERE

and talking about one of my favorite topics of all time...our Summer Bucket List!

My girls and I make a Summer List every year...we haven't done that yet this year because they are still in school for two more weeks!  

Later next week, we will get to doing that and I can't wait!  I feel like they will be able to enjoy all of the normal things they have loved from years past...they have been through so much over this last year and a half and I want to make sure they find joy....

Here are a few things that I know will be on our list...some pre-planned things that they can't wait to check off...without further ado....

Attend The Premier of THEIR Wizard of Oz Movie


The movie premiers next week and they can't wait to walk the Red Carpet Yellow Brick Road beforehand and show off their work to us and their grandparents.  We are making an adventure out of it and staying overnight in our fave town of Portsmouth NH too!


Go to Ogunquit ME with the grandparents


At the end of the month, we are spending the weekend in Ogunquit with our parents/grandparents...we are looking forward to beach time and yummy meals and a whole lotta QT.

Attend our Town Fireworks Night


One of my favorite things to do in town- we all bring a picnic dinner and the kids have a is so patriotic...and hokey and just perfect!


4th of July at the Lake

The McLains are generous enough to invite us back with our besties for a weekend of fun on the lake- boating, swimming, and lots of laughs...we are all very excited!


Wild Acres

We will be spending the last weekend in July at the camp ground we went to last year with our Dance Pals- excited for "glamping" , beach time and more laughs


Red Sox Game

Our fam got Red Sox tickets for Christmas and we are going on our Wedding Anniversary (Saturday August 14th) - can't wait to celebrate with our kids at one of our favorite places to be- Fenway Park!

In addition to these bigger pre-planned events, we will be adding some traditions too like Daddy and Diana's "Campout Night", Mama and Diana Annual Boogie Boarding Day, Pool Dayz, Beach Dayz and QT spent with family and friends....we will be sure to share our list once it is drawn up!


 What's On Your Summer Bucket List?


  1. So fun that you're going to a baseball game!!! And I didn't realize not everyone in the States was still in school. Our last day is June 28th (a Monday which is weird) and it feels like most people are on summer vacation already...

  2. You have some great things planned already! That resort in Maine looks amazing! Have fun!

  3. You have so many great things planned already!! That resort in Maine looks like one I NEED to add to my list! We're heading to Scarborough Maine in July and I can not wait.

  4. May I ask the name
    Of the resort at Quanquit ME?

  5. @Jen- sure thing! It is Anchorage By The Sea

  6. You guys are going to have a great summer! So many fun things planned- going to Maine is on my bucket list.

  7. You've got a great list!! We are working on ours this weekend.
