Monday, January 18, 2021

Hello Monday...Scenes From a Cozy Winter Weekend


Scenes From a Cozy Winter Weekend (when I was horrible at snapping pics but living in the moment)'s all I got today friends....Happy Monday and Praise MLK...

Linking up for Hello Monday HERE


  1. I can be so bad at remembering to snap pictures too. Looks like a cozy weekend. Hope you have a great week!

  2. That looks like a very cozy weekend! I am most envious of the picture with the sun. It's been cloudy here for weeks.

  3. Oh my! Your puppy is just picture perfect! That candle looks like it smells really good!

  4. Oh how I miss yoga. such a cozy weekend. The pup is so cute. Ella says our next dog will be a Frenchie!

  5. That sushi looks delicious! Happy Monday! xo

  6. Oh that cozy yoga with the fire looks so peaceful!

  7. I find I do so much better with snapping photos during the week than I do on the weekend! Love that cozy fire and the food looks yummy.

  8. That yoga looks so peaceful. I do love a good cozy weekend.

  9. Such a cute pup! I need to get better at taking photos, document everyday life not just the special occasions.

  10. That looks like a great weekend! What did you think of the yoga class? Have a great week!

  11. It does look like it was a cozy weekend. Have a great week, Holly.

  12. Your puppy is so cute, and I'm sure keeping you very busy! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  13. @Sarah- ok- total disclaimer- I really don't enjoy yoga. When I got to the gym, I like to get a good hard workout in BUT I started working with a new Trainer/Nutritionist and she wants me to build yoga into my weekly routine SO I can squeeze a class in during my lunch break on Fridays. I did just that last week and ended up really enjoying it so stay tuned :)

  14. Yoga looks amazing! I really need to rekindle my practice. I was doing so great until last March. The thing is, I hate doing yoga at home. It's not quiet enough, my cats scratch at the door, and I want it HOT!
