Friday, January 8, 2021

Friday Favorites


Hi!  It's My First Friday Faves of 2021!  As always, linking up with Andrea and Erika HERE and sharing some recent faves.....

NYE at Home with our Bubble/Besties

Fave Binge Watching

The week between Christmas and New Year's always has us finding series to binge watch each evening- some with kiddos and some just us were our faves this year

The Crown on Netflix

Rob and I got through Season 1- excited we have so much more to watch!

On Pointe on Disney +

Diana and I watched this one-great documentary series about the School of American Ballet in NYC that also feeds into the NYC Ballet/Nutcracker Production- we loved it!

Tiny Pretty Things on Netflix

This one I binged on my own- yes about dance and a ballet company but dark and inappropriate for kids- wow- thrilling and sometimes too dark for me but got through this first season- not sure if there will be more

Selena- The Series on Netflix

We flew through this first season as a family

Diana was so obsessed that she asked if we could watch the movie together we did...I cried for an hour after.....Selena was such a beautiful soul

and we wrapped up with Cobra Kai

Season 3 was released on New Year's Day...we are almost done...such a GREAT show! (Great news too is that this was renewed through Season 6- woohoo!)

Fave Recent Memes

Memories From Friends

Love when friends send me memories.....time just flies....

and some of my own.....

and a few more recent ones....

Daddy and his girls at dinner....

and saying Goodbye once more to Mr. Sterling Baca....Diana just had a ball with him and learned so much!

Remi "The Rem Dog" Breton

Fave Recent Memories and QT

That's a wrap!  Have a fantastic weekend friends!


  1. Those memes are on fire. And that pup is so cute!! Have a great weekend!!

  2. Remi is so cute!! It’s so much fun looking back at old memories!!

  3. So much to love in your Friday favorites my friend! Let’s first start with the food, that cake and charcuterie board looked amazing! Your pup is so stinking cute! And your girlies green nutcracker dress was out of this world spectacular! You’re Funnies made me smile so much today and I think we all need that! Happy weekend girlfriend!

  4. It looks like a fun filled few weeks! I just started watching Bridgerton on Netflix--def one to add to your list to watch! Have a great weekend.

  5. So many good favorites, especially Remi! And those memes made me lol. Happy Friday!

  6. Oh Remi! You guys are so in love. Remi is the cutest. Happy 2021 my sweet bloggingpartner and friend. Can't wait to launch Monthly Musings 2021 w you this month.


  7. Awe, love Remi!!! So many goodies in this post!

  8. Your NYE looks like so much fun!! You are the second person I’ve heard recommend On Pointe and it looks good. I second Jaclyn’s recommendation of Bridgerton. I am one episode in and loving it. Remi looks like he’s fitting right into the family! Have a great weekend!

  9. Oh and the memes! They are so good!!! I was lol-ing!

  10. @Jaclyn and @Sarah Ok! Adding to my list- thank you! :)

  11. Aw, those puppy pictures are just SO Cute!! Looks like you had a fabulous NYE. My husband is trying to get me to watch Cobra Kai with him; he just finished up all the newest episodes and told me we need to watch from the beginning.

  12. Both of those sushi trays look so good! And those memes!!! Thank you for a Friday afternoon laugh :)
