Thursday, November 12, 2020

Applesauce Jumbles


Well this wasn't a post I had planned but after sharing our Thanksgiving Menu the other day, I had some requests for my Mom's Applesauce Jumble recipe so here we go!

These cookies are PERFECT for Thanksgiving and PERFECT for Fall in general....they are the perfect mix of Fall spice and sweetness AND chocolate too....

I am not a big pie person so if I can squeeze in an ounce of dessert on Thanksgiving, I will always go for one of these...hope you make them and enjoy....please let me know!




2 and 3/4 Cups of Flour

1 tsp. Salt

3/4 Cup of Applesauce

2 Eggs

1/4 tsp. cloves

1 cup of chopped nuts (optional)

1 and 1/2 cups of brown sugar

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1/2 cup shortening

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. vanilla

1 6 ounce package of chocolate chips



Heat oven to 375.  Mix all ingredients together thoroughly.  Drop dough by level tablespoons 2 inches apart onto ungreased baking sheet.  Bake 10 minutes or until almost no imprint remains when touched with finger.  Immediately remove from baking sheets; cool. Spread with Glaze- Recipe Below

Brown Butter Glaze



1/3 Cup Butter

2 Cups Confectioner's Sugar

1 and 1/2 tsp of Vanilla

2-4 Tbls Hot Water


Heat butter over low heat until golden brown.  Remove from heat.  Blend in sugar and vanilla and then stir in hot water until spreading consistency.  (This glaze tastes just like cream cheese frosting!)

Makes 4 and 1/2-5 dozen cookies!





  1. I am chuckling at your first sentence because it's similar to what I said in my post this morning too. :) THANK YOU for sharing this cookie recipe!!! I was hoping you would! I CAN'T WAIT to make these!

  2. Oh my goodness these sound unique and so yummy! Hoping to make some soon :)

  3. I am so making these! Maybe even this weekend to eat while watching Hallmark movies with Rachel :)

  4. I want to make these soon! They sound so good. Thanks for the recipe. You have the BEST recipes!!

  5. These sound delicious! Thank you so much for sharing with us. Pinned.

  6. Wow these look so delicious! I think I have every ingredient on hand, so I will need to give them a try!

  7. Just so you know, I made these last night and they are DELICIOUS!!! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe!!!

  8. Hi! Natasha shared your cookie recipe so I am making them today. Is it one 6oz bag of chocolate chips or a 16 oz bag of chocolate chips?

  9. HI Emily! Thanks for letting me know- going to fix that- it is one bag so it is actually 12 oz. of chocolate chips! Hope you enjoy :)

    1. Hi! I am a bit confused ? Is 12 oz of chocolate chips the correct amount ? The recipe says a 6 oz package. I hope you respond because I want to make these asap. They sound delicious!! Thank you for sharing .
