Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday Favorites


Happy Friday Friends!  Let's get right to it! Sharing some faves from our week...

All of the Fall Activities

So grateful my girls can experience joy right now...we are all soaking it up for as long as we rehearsals...field it all on.....

and this girl...part of a team that just won their first two games of the season- they beat Salem and very exciting!


Fall Baubles from Besties


...they just know me....

Flower Bar Studio

We have a cute little DIY studio in town called the Flower Bar of my friends has a party each year and raises money for a wonderful organization in town called Windham Helping Hands.  Well this year a few of us did not feel comfortable going in a larger group so we broke off and did our own special night...last time I went, I made a tray with our family name on it..I can't tell you how much I use the tray to serve appetizers when I am entertaining...this time I thought I would make something that Rob would love and decided on the Backyard BBQ sign where he can hang the grill utensils and have a bottle opener all in one- I loved the way it came out and he loved it even more FTW!


We had a great time making our creations...having some laughs and encouraging each other...well I like to make fun of BA because she is SO particular with everything and I warned her I did not want to be there for hours because she is trying to get her sign perfect-ha!



That's a wrap!  Short and sweet!  Have a wonderful fall weekend friends....


Linking up for Friday Favorites HERE


  1. I LOVE Your BBQ sign--so so fun! Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. The signs turned out perfectly! Fun to see the girls in all their activities :)

  3. What a great week! I love the sign making party you and your girlfriends went to. I want to do something like that!! I hope you have a beautiful weekend!!

  4. Great post! Your BBQ utensils art plaque turned out awesome.

  5. I love that Halloween wine glass!! And your sign is fabulous! I’ve always wanted to make one of those! I hope you have a great fall filled weekend!
