Monday, August 3, 2020

Summer Long Weekend and Hello Monday !

Happy Monday Everyone!  We are coming off a wonderful summer weekend and a long weekend at that for me!

Here is what it looked like....


I started my day, by packing up my car for our weekend and then, as I always do on Fridays with mass.  Then I had my nails and toes done and it felt so relaxing.   After that, I did one of my favorite things and met Beth Ann for lunch and catch up...boy did we need that.  We were also treated to a lovely glass of wine by another friend in town who also happens to be one of Diana's Field Hockey coaches....

I was soaking up the relaxing day that it was!  Trying not to worry about anything around me as much as I could and take in the peace and sunshine!

When I got home, Diana was wrapping up her Summer Intensive Ballet Program with AAB...I was able to sneak this quick video at the end of her jazz class....

Then the girls and I hit the road for Maine!  (Rob was meeting us later that night, after work).
It only took us an hour and a half to get to Old Orchard Beach and the campground we were staying at, Wild Acres.  We were greeted immediately by our friend Tina screaming for me...hysterical!

We checked in, grabbed our golf cart and started unpacking and getting settled.  Snapped a few shots of our cottage....

We were located in the Ocean Pines section...

and the golf cart made the weekend so much better!!

Tina and Jeff came by and we shared some cocktails and snacks to get the weekend going...while the kids were already off playing!

Then we headed out and got to see Judy and Tina's places- so fun- we caught up while the kids played and Rob met up with us a little later on.  We grilled with Judy and Chris and Chris's grill set up was amazing...we were imagining a "Camp Cooking Show" and had some laughs....

Oh yeah and Eva and Nate got engaged ;)

After dinner, Judy and Chris took us on a tour of the campground and also showed us the way to the beach-what a blast!  

More golf cart fun ensued....

We wrapped up the night with a fire at Tina and Jeff's and I actually laughed harder than I have in months...didn't know I needed it that much!

 We crashed around midnight.


Jeff picked up Judy and me early and we headed to the beach to set up our "compound" and then we headed back to our place and had "fancy bloody marys" :)

Such a beautiful day!

These two = Kindred Spirits

After everyone was up and ready to go, we hit the beach and enjoyed the steamy hot day with plenty of rough waves and water time- it was an awesome beach day!

On our way!


Pidge was boogie-boarding and skim-boarding up a storm...Tina got some cute shots of her...

On our way back, we let the kids dip in one of the pools at the campground....

Then we headed in to freshen up and then headed to Judy and Chris's for the night....they treated us to an amazing seafood dinner from a local restaurant- we all ate lobster rolls as big as our heads!  Soooo good...and then we had some more laughs as we watched the pretend wedding of Eva and Nate- hysterical!

We crashed early!  In bed by 9pm- wiped from the sun!


We had a leisurely morning so I enjoyed reading while drinking my coffee and then Judy came over and joined me....we got packed up to check out by 11 and Rob headed home for a gig.  A few pics first...

The rest of us headed up to the pier and shops and the dance kids got matching sweatshirts and the Dance Moms got matching tees- too cute!  Jeff let the ladies enjoy some cocktails and apps alone...and he was a saint...he took the kids for ice cream, candy and games....

A few hours later we took some pics and headed home...we loved our weekend!  Our friends are begging us to buy a place at the camp ground but our pool is our investment...for now!  Blessed during the midst of this pandemic and uncertainty to find some summer joy this weekend...we yelled "Follow The Joy" all weekend...Tina made us ;) 

Thanks to our great friends for showing us such a wonderful time- my girls already can't wait to go back next summer! 

Linking up with Heather and the Crew for Hello Monday HERE


  1. What a fabulous, fun weekend! I bookmarked that campground as I could totally handle that kin of "camping" and we've been looking for a great OOB place to stay. My husband and I went on our very first vacation there and we have never taken our kids or been back since we graduated college.

  2. Oh, Holly, this looks like the PERFECT summer weekend away!!!! Your friends look like they are a blast to hang out with. Glad you guys were able to do it; the cabin you stayed in is so pretty!

  3. What a wonderful weekend!! That cottage looks like the perfect way to camp! I’m glad you had so many laughs! Have a great week!

  4. That cabin is amazing!! The beach looked like a blast! I'm glad you had so much fun! A long relaxing weekend can help so much with the stress of the world!!

  5. Looks like so much fun! You all seem like such a fun and laidback group!

  6. Such a fun weekend! Love Eva's wedding lol ;)
