Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Road Trip to Flume Gorge in Franconia Notch NH

So the girls have been hounding us to take a road trip this summer...with the current pandemic and conditions, we just don't feel comfortable staying in a hotel right now.

So..we got creative and I took a couple of vacation days.  On Monday, we decided to make a local road trip and visit Franconia Notch NH and more specifically "The Flume Gorge."

 The Flume is a natural gorge extending 800 feet at the base of Mount Liberty. The walls of Conway granite rise to a height of 70 to 90 feet and are 12 to 20 feet apart. The Flume Trail is a ONE-WAY, 2-mile loop starting at the Check-in Booths located in front of the Flume Building. The entire loop takes approximately 1.5 hours and finishes at the Flume Building. The walk includes uphill walking and lots of stairs. The boardwalk allows you to look closely at the growth of flowers, ferns and mosses found here.

We got to enjoy this scenic hike while also getting to see the various landmarks: The Flume Covered Bridge, Avalanche Falls,  Table Rock, Liberty Gorge, Wolf Den, Glacier Boulders, Sentinel Pine Bridge and The Pool.

It was another beautiful day and we enjoyed a special family adventure!

 On our drive up, we played the Alphabet Game and the License Plate Game- things got very competitive and super funny! :)  (Our ride was approximately 1.5 hours long)

LOVE driving to the White Mountains in NH- so beautiful!

  Once there, we got hiking (and started taking pics of course!)

The first Covered Bridge


The Second Covered Bridge- The Sentinel Pine Bridge

The Pool

and no adventure is complete without a stop at the gift shop...sigh...ha!

More shots of the mountains on our way out...

and then we stopped in Tilton on our way home and had lunch at The Tilton Diner- the kids loved it- such a fun atmosphere!

They are excited to check "Road Trip" off our Summer List...and I hope they remember this day I will...


  1. That is a beautiful hike! Those are some great memories you are making with your family! Have a super day!

  2. Place looks super neat!
    Your a good mamma!

  3. What a gorgeous natural area. I'm jealous that you have such natural beauty in your area!!

  4. My husband and I went there last year in the spring and just LOVED it! It had been a wet spring so the waterfalls were huge too. What a very pretty area. We're heading into your area next week!
