Friday, January 17, 2020

Pray For Strength

I know it is my favorite day of the week but need your prayers right now and you have never let me down in the past.  My Father In Law was diagnosed with the flu last week and just when he seemed to be getting better, he started feeling worse....and then started getting more husband brought him back to his doctor's office yesterday and they sent him right to the emergency room.  He was admitted.  He is severely dehydrated and so much so that his kidney function was down to 4%.

Please pray that he heals and gains his strength back as they pump him full of fluids and medicines.  We are all praying hard.

My Father In Law is our girls are so attached to him and spend so much time with heart is breaking..having to explain to them last night and assure them and keep them all seems like too much.

If you are so inclined, would love you to send a prayer up for our family today.  Though I love Friday Favorites, I don't feel right writing about fashion, food, or every day life around here today.  Just need to focus on faith.

Thank you Friends XO


  1. Praying for your family sweet friend. Prayer works and God is Good all the time.


  2. I will pray and wish and hope that your father-in-law is feeling much better soon. I’m so sorry he is sick, love to all.

  3. Oh my goodness Holly, I am so sorry. I will pray for your family. i hope he gets well very soon.

  4. Holly I am praying...we are all lifting your family up.

  5. Praying for your father-in-law and all the tender hearts. Hope he's better soon!

  6. Sending lots of prayers!

  7. Sending prayers all the way from Waco, Tx. May your father in law recover and your family receive strength during this difficult time.

  8. Sending prayers your way! That grandparent relationship is so special!!
