Friday, January 10, 2020

Friday Favorites

Yeah for Friday!  What a busy and productive week...I loved it...I felt energized and on and though I am tired, it is a really good tired!  How are you my friends?

As always, linking up with Erika and the crew HERE and sharing some faves from our week!

Eating The Rainbow again and it feels....SO GOOD :)

 Fave MEMEs

and this just cracked me up!

Dotty Dance Dresses

I snagged the girls' dresses for this year from Macy's when they were having their holiday sale- dresses originally for $75 and got them for $22- FTW!

This is Eva's dress

and this is Diana's

Diana put hers on and she and Rob did a practice dance for the heck of choked up because this will most likely be her last Daddy Daughter Dance and I can't believe how fast time goes by...she has been going since she was 2 and it literally feels like yesterday :(

PTA Pre-Gaming

One of my favorite things to do is catch up with some of my besties before our monthly PTA meeting...last night was extra special...I feel like we took our friendship to the next level...deep conversation...baring our these gals...and grateful for this village

Five Pounds

Tis the season for New Year's Resolutions, etc...I know many of you have struggled with your weight the way I whole damn BFF Lea shared this with me this week when we were having one of our lunch dates...and it made me feel so much better....she encouraged me and said "you think 5 pounds isn't a lot...well look at how much it is"  it made me even more excited about what I am doing so I will look at this picture every day!

That's a wrap- have an awesome weekend friends!


  1. I'm coming over to eat with you, love your eating the rainbow pics everything always looks so good!!

  2. Love those dancing dresses. Happy Friday sweet friend. I am going to be working on some ideas for link up this weekend.


  3. Holly, you have the best group of girlfriends and do such a good job making time for them! I love the girls dresses!! Have a great weekend!

  4. Those Macy's dresses are GORGEOUS! So inspired by your healthy eating!!
