Friday, December 20, 2019

Friday Favorites (Holiday Prep Edition)

It's been crazy here...trying to keep it all in prospective....deep breaths...reminding myself the reason for the season

Have a few faves to share anyway so linking up HERE

Holiday Spirit Week at School!  Different theme every day

Book Club

The night before we left for NYC, I joined my book club for a little bit.  These ladies always crack me up...apparently I didn't need to go to NYC to see the Rockettes?  Ha!

I thoroughly enjoyed Shannon's pick
The Coincidence of Coconut Cake by Amy Reichert

Last Minute Holiday Touches

Colored Lights on the Bedroom Tree

More Elf Antics

A Festive Sweater

and the annual Donut Cake thanks to Mr .Dave

and the annual school board holiday shenanigans- Rob's last one....

That's a wrap- hope you all have a festive and fun weekend!  I am hoping to finish all of the shopping and wrapping...we shall see!

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