Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What's Up Wednesday (November 2019)

I can't believe Thanksgiving Week is here- yeah!
I also can't believe we are at the end of did that happen?  The last Wednesday of the month means it is time for What's Up Wednesday...can't wait to see what you have been up to.  Linking up with the gals HERE

Here is what we have been up to....

What We're Eating This Week

So...this is the week that we "make do" and eat what is already in the house.  The BIG grocery shopping trip happened last weekend but that is for our party tonight, Thanksgiving on Thursday and a Nutcracker get together on Saturday night SO again we are making do

Monday- Fish Sticks and Fries for the Kiddos and Shrimp and Avocado Salads for Mama and Daddy
 Check out the recipe HERE

Tuesday- Tacos for the Kiddos and Taco Bowls for Mama and Daddy

Wednesday Our Party so we will be having pizza and all types of fun apps that our friends and family are bringing

Thursday The BIG can check out our Thanksgiving Menu HERE

Friday Will probably be takeout of some sort OR leftovers

What I'm Reminiscing About

Thanksgivings Past...all of our traditions..Thanksgiving Eve...Breakfast and The Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Morning and then after all of the loud and fun...a quiet Thanksgiving Dinner with our parents and the littles.....

What I'm Loving

Starbucks Peppermint Mocha- Nuff Said

What We've Been Up To

We celebrated Halloween with a spooky dinner.....

Mama ran a successful Fun Run for the PTA

Mama and Daddy got all "vamped" for the annual Halloween Bash at the Castle

The kiddos finally got to Trick Or Treat the Saturday Night after Halloween

We enjoyed a Confirmation Sponsor's Dinner at St. Matt's

and we decorated for Christmas the earliest yet!

Auntie Cass and Mama enjoyed the Annual Risotto Night

Mama and Daddy had a blast with BA and Matt in Portland

There have been many Nutcracker rehearsals!

and Eva is back at hockey and loving it!

Diana loved surprising her friend Fran who was back from North Carolina for the weekend 

Mama has been loving time with her new Dance Mom friends

and we said goodbye to Cousin Donna- my heart is still hurting

There has been lots of Hallmark :)

and Mimi and Mama had a wonderful and festive night out at the Festival of Trees and Dinner at Tuscan Market

Nutcracker Dress Rehearsals were intense and productive

and we did our last of our Confirmation prep work before the big day in December!

and The Fab Four reunited for brunch and much needed conversation...

What I'm Dreading

I refuse to dread....#FollowTheJoy

What I'm Working On

My Goals for 2020....I fell short with my goals in 2019 and I have been bummed about it...I only met 1 out of 5 goals...I know the year is not over but I like to kill goals...crush them and I am trying not to be discouraged but it is hard...I am praying and hoping and having faith that I will crush 2020!

What I'm Excited About

All of the Thanksgiving Week Fun ESPECIALLY The Nutcracker next weekend

I am SO SO EXCITED to see my girls light up the stage 

What I'm Watching/Reading

In between all of the Hallmark you mean?

Due to squeezing in all The Hallmark...I have taken a break with Dance Moms...I will pick back up with Season 6 after the new year.

We enjoyed all of our faves especially during the Fall Finales

A Million Little Things

This Is Us

American Housewife

and Grey's of course

and did anyone watch The Affair?  The Finale?  I thought they ended this series in such a beautiful all came together and true love did prevail....ahhhh...I'm such a hopeless romantic but after all of the scandal...I loved the way they tied this one up!

and I read, 

The Coincidence Of Coconut Cake by Amy Reichert

This was our next Book Club Read and it was picked by Shannon- it was fabulous- I loved it- I didn't expect to and it was a pleasant surprise- I love a good love story and set in a restaurant?  Even better!

I'm making my way through my 2nd book of the month which is Elin Hilderbrand's 

Winter In Paradise

I couldn't get through this one earlier this year but I am forcing myself to do so now and I seem to be enjoying it more this time.  I was supposed to meet her again on Monday night with my PTA pals but I knew I could not swing it with all of our upcoming hosting and had to bow out....feel really good that I did just that...I guess everyone is is okay to say no!

What I'm Listening To

We have started the holiday "toonage" in the car too!
Right now it is Sirius XM Holly and Sirius XM Holiday Traditions as well as Magic 106.7 as they are playing all holiday all the time too!

What I'm Wearing

Fall tops that I mentioned last week include....

and the AE Skinny Jeans and Wedge Sneakers are on REPEAT in these parts ;)

Also...this old with fur cuffs FTW

and a good ole Black Puffer to get warm and cozy in

and this week, I will start to bring out all the holiday tops

What I'm Doing This Weekend

Can you say NUTCRACKER?

Excited to see my girls dance and to celebrate with my family and besties after 

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

All of the Christmas traditions and fun....My Annual Recipe Exchange Party....New York City....Jammie Christmas and extra time with family and friends

What Else Is New?

I think I covered it all!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!


  1. That shrimp and avocado salad looks amazing. A really Good way to start the week of eating.

    Happy Thanksgiving lovely friend!

  2. We're having a big dance weekend here too! Our studio alternates each year between The Nutcracker and The Snowman & The Snowdog. This is a non-Nutcracker year so I'm curious to see how the show turns out.

  3. I too am learning how good it can be to say no as well! Happy Thanksgiving Holly & family :)

  4. That shrimp and avocado salad looks so yummy. I’m definitely making it soon!! Have a fun this weekend!! Happy Thanksgiving Holly!!
