Monday, November 12, 2018

Weekend Recap (Quality Friend Time Edition)

So we are coming off a great weekend filled with lots of QT with friends from town.  Although today is technically a holiday, I will be working because it is busy and I am grateful and I need to make things happen!

In between the work, however, we have lots of activity at the house today...from a plumber for our clogged sing to a car detailer to Mimi coming to bring Eva to dance and Diana going off with our besties...ahhh...trying not to think about it all so I don't get is what our fun weekend looked like....


 Eva was a rock star at gymnastics- loves to show off her stuff and make us laugh...

 We had our friends the Partingtons over for dinner...and had a great time catching up...I was challenged with making a completely gluten-free meal as three out of the four of these friends are gluten-free...I was nervous at first but everything seemed to come out great- GF Chicken Piccata with Steamed Broccoli and a GF Pasta with a Lemon Butter Sauce...for the kiddos I did a GF pasta with a GF marinara sauce....plates were getting cleaned so that made Mama happy! :)

Showing you a sneak peak of a few Christmas decorations I have put up...Rob is rolling his eyes ;)


We started the day by practicing Nutcracker hair...the style is already getting changed but it is a process and I am learning- as stressful as it is, I am trying to have fun with it :)

Zach suggested we go to breakfast so while Daddy, Eva and Papa Bob were at hockey, we grabbed breakfast at Mary Ann's Diner in town and we had such a fun conversation about our college classes ...Diana observed all wide-eyed...ha ha!!

These two sillies tho...

After that, we ran some errands and got Diana to rehearsal...Daddy spent most of the day battling the leaves in the yard while I cooked and had Hallmark movies on in the background...the "Fab Four" came over for dinner with the hubbies and we enjoyed a relaxing cozy night of catching up!  (Yes I feel like I cooked all weekend but cooking brings me peace...I find it to be very you?)

 and because you can't see my outfit in the shot it is...what do you think of the top?  It is my new favorite...Macy's always comes through...I bought it this fall for the holidays but couldn't help wearing it already...I think you will see me wearing this once a week!  Those are the same AE distressed jeggings too..another fave!

Although it was a great night, I goofed and clogged up our kitchen sink and we are still waiting for a plumber to call us back...sigh.....


 After mass, it was time for Mama to spend some QT with Lea and help her find some holiday tops...I love being a fashion consultant!  I didn't buy anything but I do most of my shopping online and I have a good start on all of the Christmas I felt it a successful day as I helped her find two great tops, a dress and a pair of leggings...she is set!

We headed to the Merrimack Outlets

and BTW, I wanted this sparkly clutch in Kate Spade but I resisted because Christmastime and all...can't get it out of my head though...and at 70% off it is a great deal...but I was GOOD!

After shopping, we grabbed a quick lunch at Copper Door and splurged when we split the Caramel Macchiato Martini and Bananas Foster for dessert...I regretted it after but the laughs and company were worth it ;)

Last night, I let Diana have some friends over and if you have been reading for a while, you know then, that I obsess about her finding the right friends and being surrounded by kids who bring out the best in her.  Thank God she has found that this year so I am fostering this as much as I was so much fun listening to all of their silliness and warmed my Mama heart to hear all of their laughing and fun...

Since Lea came over to hang out with me, Brooks was in toe and also jumped in for some of the fun...poor Brooks is always surrounded by girls!  Hysterical!

It was a weekend that warmed my heart....what were you up to?


  1. Glad the GF dinner went over so well, sounds yummy! I love to cook & host as well, makes my heart happy :) LOVE that new Macy's top on your, perfect for the holidays!

  2. gorgeous black top-I love it! I rarely think about Macys but everyone always posts cute things from there!

  3. That sparkly clutch!!!! You need to let Santa know about that ;)
    Love your outfit - I'd wear it every week too!
    Good for you making a gluten free dinner for friends. I'd be nervous too on messing it up - so much hidden gluten in stuff.
    OOPSIE on the sink - hope that gets taken care of easily today!

  4. Holly, don't stress over gluten free cooking. Next time just reach out to me and I will help you. What you made looks amazing. Way to go.


  5. Seriously the sweetest gift from your husband! LOVE!
