Monday, October 29, 2018

Weekend Recap (Halloween Prep Edition)

What a FUN Fall Weekend...I have to preface this post by telling you I am guilty however...guilty of starting to watch the Hallmark Christmas Romance Movies...I could not help myself....Rob, after forbidding me to start them before Halloween, just threw his hands up and said, "if it makes you happy than I am ok with it"...friends?  They make me SO HAPPY...but at the same time....I squeezed in so much fall and Halloween fun into this weekend for my girls too because I cannot begrudge them this awesome holiday here is what it looked like around here....


Eva got to dress up for gymnastics.  Since she is Toto from The Wizard Of Oz this year, and her costume is super heavy and warm...she opted for another costume we had here...Wonder Woman...she was shy at first but very happy when she showed up and not only her bestie was wearing the same costume but her coach was too!  Her frown turned into all smiles!


Friday Night

Cass invited us to join them at "Ghosts On The Banke" in Portsmouth.  You know that Portsmouth is my favorite town in America and this event occurred at Strawberry Banke, the historic village in the heart of Portsmouth.   I first wrote about Strawberry Banke two years ago when we went with the Batsons at Christmastime.  You can check it out HERE

This time, the homes were all lit up and decorated for Halloween and a variety of Colonial Folk were giving out candy so the kids got to actually Trick-Or-Treat AND with their costumes on.  Poor Diana was at rehearsal and Daddy went to the parent meeting so it was Pidge and me and she had a ball as did I!

After the event, we walked over to Mombo for dinner.  Diana and Daddy were able to meet us there so at least they could have some fun.  The restaurant couldn't seat us all together but Cass and I along with Tom's mom got our own table and it ended up being relaxing AND the guys didn't mind keeping an eye on the kids at their table...we took a couple of pics because our dear friend Laurel is still on her African safari trip....although I am sure she is sad she missed out on this Halloween fun, she is certainly enjoying her trip of a lifetime...

Such a great night...I hope we make it an annual tradition!


This was the day we were blessed with a Nor-easter.... we were supposed to go to Kathy and Jerry's Annual Harvestfest Party but they cancelled because of the storm and can't blame them.  Between hockey for Eva and Nutcracker rehearsals for Diana, I enjoyed cooking all day with Hallmark on in the was a really cozy day!

Our Plan B ended up being a great night.  The Batsons came over for dinner and we enjoyed a cozy fall meal while the kids entertained us by dressing Eva up for a "fashion show" and then performing various spooky dances for us...including one to Thriller...I surprised them and served "Ghosts In The Graveyard" for dessert :)

Hey!  The bonus was we only lost power for about an hour and our generator kept us warm while it was out!


We were all up early for mass and CCD.  I surprised the girls with some Halloween doughnuts for being troopers and rallying....

and then we enjoyed Eva's last soccer game.  Even Mimi and Papa came up to watch.  It was an awesome first season- Eva did great and really loved it!  She had the best coaches and they ended up undefeated!  (Can you stand it?  Hysterical!)

Coach Dave was the best- FUN FACT- he went to Bentley University on a soccer scholarship so Eva truly got a wonderful experience!

After the game, Mimi and Papa came over for coffee and treats and surprised the girls with fun Halloween baskets...their favorite?  The Vampire Teeth of course ;)

I made Shay's Pumpkin Bread and Sausage Casserole (which will be making two more appearances this fall) and Mimi made an awesome Pumpkin Gingerbread Bread. Then they wanted to see the girls' in their Halloween costumes so they joyfully obliged :)

The rest of the day was spent grocery shopping, meal planning, soaking up more Hallmark AND.......
basking in the glory of our Beloved RED SOX.....THE 2018 WORLD SERIES CHAMPS!  WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!

One last thing...Diana drew me this picture this weekend and it means everything to me...this is how she sees me and I am completely fine with that.....

What were you up to this weekend?


  1. It was cold and stormy here so I can relate to your weather issues! What a fun weekend and your girls look like they enjoyed every minute of it. Love the excitement of kids with all of the holiday fun!

  2. What a perfect little weekend! The Halloween dessert & donuts have me drooling too ;)
