Friday, October 19, 2018

Friday Favorites

Hey Hey Friday....I didn't see you walk in....anyway....long week..productive are a few faves....

and as always, linking up with the lovely ladies HERE

Tiny Dancer

Showing off some newly learned moves for Mimi and us :)


While we are on the subject, Miss Thing's Summer Headshots (from TTC Camp) finally came in...mixed emotions...pride and love along with a pain in my heart for how quickly she is growing up :/

Halloween Fun

We continue to check off things on our Fall Bucket List and living the season to its fullest.  On Monday night, Mimi made us a DELICIOUS chicken soup and we all enjoyed dinner together.  After dinner, we watched a new fave, "Dancing With The Stars Junior" and then our annual Halloween Fave, Disney's "Ichabod Crane & The Headless Horseman"....even Zach joined in on the fun :)

Eating The Rainbow

Thoughtful Friends

A couple of friends surprised me this week....Lisa dropped off a surprise package with this inside....

and Laura picked me up a copy of this.....

because that's our thing...can't wait to dive into this one next!

and Auntie Janie did it again- flowers for Mama and Halloween Lollipops for the Girls- she is truly an Angel on Earth XO

 Book Club

Though I didn't read the book this month, The Woman In The Woods by John Connolly, (I tried I just couldn't get into it), I learned all about it at our book club meeting on Wednesday night.  Shannon is a Queen of Halloween and has her house decorated with so many cute spooky characters and such...we had an awesome, relaxing night, talking about the book and catching up in general!

Mosaic Moms

I have been DYING to get into this group for years- it is a prayer group- a Faithful Moms Group if you will...a place where we can learn more about our faith..share our faith...not be judged...and just be there for other moms...I am grateful

I hope you all have a WONDERFUL WEEKEND XOXO Holly


  1. Ahhh those pictures of Diana where she has a more serious look make her look 16, stop it! ;) TGIF Holly, hope you enjoy your weekend!

  2. Ohhhh thanks for the movie idea! My kids will love Ichabod Crane. Thank you! Also, those are the sweetest pictures of your girls. I love that you belong to a book club, I wish I was in one! Happy Friday mama!

  3. Her head shots are darling and those eyes!!!❤️ You had a lot of goodness this week to share. Now I'm feeling like I need to run get some beautiful sunflowers for myself. Happy weekend, Holly!!!

  4. Beautiful headshots! I know what you mean about seeing the kids grow up--very bittersweet! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
