Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday Favorites

Yeah for Friday!!!  Who's with me?

Linking up with the lovely ladies HERE  and sharing some of our faves from this week.....

Monday Nights

Monday nights have become special this Fall and definitely a fave.  Mimi comes up to take Pidge to dance and then usually stays for dinner.  This week, she spoiled Pidge with a new tutu and then sent me this picture- I can't help but crack up from her cuteness :)

 For dinner, after, I made us Cranberry Apple Stuffed Pork Loin with Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts and Brown Rice.  You can find the pork recipe HERE


Out little monkey was asked by her school's Principal to speak at Tuesday night's school board meeting.  He was moved by her GRIT when she didn't give up and kept running for student council.  We were touched, choked up and proud.  This girl inspires us...we always look at each other and ask where she got it...both of us get so intimidated easily so when we see things like this, it gives us hope!  She did a great job...check it out....

 Daddy's Birthday

His present was a Go Pro...and he is already having fun setting it up...can't wait to use it in the water in Punta Cana this winter!

He chose Tuckaway Tavern for his bday dinner.  I had raved about it when the ladies went there a few years back for a friend's birthday.  They are known for their meats and seafood- incredible. We walked through the butcher shop after dinner too and were amazed at all of the selections.  We had delicious meals and some good laughs...check it out....

 Drive Shirt

I have been dying to get a sleeveless tee at my gym...they always sell out as soon as they are put on the rack but I was lucky to snag one....oh the jokes between the hubbies on our gym...too much fun...I am just grateful that I can keep up with classes (most of the time) and build fitness into my is becoming more and more of a focus and healthy habit

Annual Risotto Night

So I checked one of the things off our Fall Bucket List last night and that was Cass and My Annual Risotto Night...I make my Autumn Chicken and Squash Risotto (you can find this recipe on my recipe tab above under Main Dishes) is one of our favorite nights all year...besides the risotto, it is good quality time spent catching up and a true sign of fall!

Hope you all have an amazing fall weekend!


  1. Awe, Diana speaking at the school board meeting gave me chills - what a strong little lady! That pork loin sounds delicious too! Have a happy weekend :)

  2. Your risotto and pork loin look amazing!!! The best fall foods!! My dad has a Go-Pro and loves his! I hope your husband has a blast recording videos with his!!!! Have a great weekend Holly!

  3. That risotto---yum!! I love my gym crew and the jokes we have. That shirt is so cute!! Happy weekend!

  4. That pork loin is just beautiful. Your girls are amazing. Happy birthday to your hubby. So cheering you on for your focus on your health. GO GIRL


  5. looks like you had a great week and how stinkin' cute is your little girl in her new tutu!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. Holly, what a fun list of favorites! I love that tank. I love all the Birthday pictures too, Punta Cana!!! That will be so much fun. Mondays sound like a great night in your week. Happy Friday mama!

  7. That risotto looks so amazing!!! I am terrible at making risotto and never get it soft enough, but I might just have to try again to make this!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Thank you everyone! The risotto is work...lots of stirring BUT so worth it! I appreciate all of your kind words :)
