Monday, September 10, 2018

Weekend Recap

It's funny, although it is not officially Fall, I feel like this past weekend was the first "Fall Like Weekend" in these parts.  It was cooler and more relaxed and we celebrated making it through our first week of school- it is exhausting at first, until you get into the routine but it was a success all around so I am virtually inserting the Praise God Hands here ;)

Hope your cherubs are off to a great start!  Here is what our weekend looked like


Work remains crazy and we are all so grateful for this great job market!  Personally, I had a great week and made my biggest placement of the year.  I celebrated and got very choked up because this one took more work than ever and it provided much stress and heartache this summer so I felt like most of it was worth it when it all came together.  It happened on Thursday but I woke up on Friday still feeling grateful.

That night, our "mini fam" of 4 crashed and ate our dinner in front of the tv in my was a cozy and relaxing night and the girls had us in hysterics doing some impressions- these are the times I will remember for the rest of my life.....


We were all geared up for Eva's first soccer game.  We did not know what to expect.  We kept reminiscing about Diana's soccer experience and the nightmare it was.  She screamed and cried and ran after us- so not what we had hoped for.  As I have said, though, several times, these two children could not be more different.  It is so funny how siblings can be so extreme right?  Anyway- Eva (Pidge) loved it.  She ran around with the other kids- they travel in packs at this age- and she even kicked the ball once- we were cheering her on the whole time- so much fun- so proud of our little Pidge :)

After the game, Daddy let Mama enjoy a Girls' Day.  He took the girls to do a few errands and then dropped Diana at a birthday party.

  The Fab Four headed to the Lilly Pulitzer After Party Sale at our closest store in Lynnfield MA.  When we got there, we waited in line.

Exhibit A

 Oh the anticipation!  All four of us shared a dressing room and had fun trying on items and giving each other advice.  It is the first time I partook in these festivities and I had a ball.  I was nervous because I don't like crowds and I always do well with the online sale but I wanted to experience this at least once and it didn't disappoint- I got a couple of things for myself and matching swimsuits for the girls :)

After our shopping adventure, we had lunch over at Gas Light which was incredible.  It had warmed up a bit so we sat outside- so relaxing...and we toasted a successful APS of course :)

We had a little time to kill after lunch.  We were dropping Laurel off in Woburn to meet her hubby so she could head into the Red Sox game.  So...we bopped into the cutest little boutique- we all fell in love with this camo sweater....

  (I ended up snagging it online later at home with a Macy's gift card I had- FTW!)

and Laurel found the PERFECT dress for her holiday her like a glove and the store actually posted her pic in it on their Instagram account- our beautiful friend is famous! :)

When there were only three of us left, we decided to stop at a regular wine tasting in our town to end a perfect girls' day.  We loved a few of the wines and scooped them right up!

That night, Rob and I headed to our friend Alice's surprise 50th Birthday Party...she was was so wonderful to see her has been too long!

and while we were doing this, Diana partied all day and night at Canobie Lake Park for a friends' birthday- she was so proud of herself for going on her first upside down roller coaster!


We enjoyed mass together (and the mass was said for my Mother-In-Law) and then Diana and Daddy went to the first Fall Softball Day.  Kayla and Ally went for awhile to watch and Diana was thrilled.  She got so many tips from the pros ;)

Mama and Eva made a salad and pumpkin cupcakes for our afternoon at the Lee's.

We had the most relaxing afternoon sitting outside and chatting.  Brenda and Dennis made us awesome grilled pizzas and we chatted for hours as the kids ran around- so good for the soul!

 That's a wrap!  Hope you had a wonderful weekend!


  1. So glad the Lilly sale was a success! If there are any pumpkin cupcakes left I'll be right over ;)

  2. Sounds like a really Good weekend. Congrats on your work victory. So glad you guys had a Good first week of school. The chill night that first Friday is so important. Check out my post today. I tagged you and talk about my work history at your encouragement.


  3. Looks like a fun weekend!! Those pizzas your friend made look amazing!!!

  4. Those grilled pizzas look amazing! I want that cake for my birthday!
