Monday, August 20, 2018

Weekend Superior Seven

Seven Superior Faves from This Relaxing Summer Weekend...

Friday Night Fam Time

Cozy Dinner and Ballet Fittings for Miss Diana...then we all snuggled up to watch the DVD of her summer production- bliss!

Pointe Shoe Fittings

This little cutie could not sleep the night before because she was SO EXCITED- Big Day!  Big Day!

Birthday Party Buddies

Miss Pidge was in her glory!

Hockey Fittings- all ready for Bruins Academy!

Papa Pete's Bday!

What a lovely dinner we had but the QT and laughs were the best part!

Peaches from Janie

So the Girls and I whipped up a peach crisp!

Golf to End a Beautiful Weekend

1 comment:

  1. Fun times. Could you share the recipe for the peach crisp? Thanks
