Monday, August 27, 2018

Happy 10th Birthday to our Diana Mary! (a.k.a Monkey)

On Friday, our little Diana Mary, a.k.a Monkey, turned 10- double digits- 10!  WOW!

I have to do my obligatory "Dear Diana" post...however, I wanted to share with you first what I posted on Facebook for her....

I posted a pic from every year of her life thus far...there is an extra as I posted one that shows her only a few weeks old...couldn't help myself....

Here it is....

 Happy 10th Birthday to our Diana Mary- 10 years old! Wow! You bring such joy and excitement to our lives Monkey!! ❤️ “I hope you never lose your sense of wonder..You get your fill to eat but always keep that hunger...May you never take one single breath for granted...God forbid love ever leave you empty handed...I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean...Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens...Promise me that you’ll give faith a fighting chance...and when you get the chance to sit it out or dance...I hope you dance”

We took our annual Santa's Village/Story Land Trip with our Family Friends (separate post on that coming this week) and we came home first thing Friday so Mama and Daddy could get back to work.  After a full day of work and running completely on adrenaline, we put together her first ever sleepover birthday party.  I held her off for 10 years and finally bit the bullet.  It was a success (even though Daddy only got 2 hours of sleep with some of the night owls) She had the time of her life so mission accomplished.... 

It wasn't one of my traditional "go all out" parties with a theme...given the craziness of this year, I kept it simple and it was just fine.  Pizza, snacks, cake and cookies my Mimi...then doughnuts for breakfast the next morning!  We had a high school girl Grace, from town, come and paint their nails and we put together a fun outdoor scavenger hunt with prizes. 

Snapped a few pics....

Cake by Kat (talented lady in town)

Nails by Grace (yes even Eva got in on the action) ;)

Group pic (the phone shows you Francesca- the girls face-timed her so she could be part of Diana's special day- mixed emotions- Diana misses her so much-she moved to South Carolina)

 and....the morning after....only a little more than half survived ;)

Dear Diana,

10!  Can you believe it?  I can but I will tell you what they told me....and it is true..."the days are long but the years go by so quickly."  I remember when you were born...and the entire first year...I was a bundle of nerves as you were sick constantly...we were worried that you would not survive...but you fought...and we fought...and you are a fighter and a survivor..I guess we picked the perfect name for you.

When I look at you strong bundle of tiny dancer....that sick little baby seems so far away....almost like it never happened...but it did...and it reminds me how blessed we are and how God always listens.

You have learned to tame some of the crazy energy this have channeled that need to constantly move and constantly learn more and be challenged "at the bar" as they say (a.k.a through dance) have also taken that determination and have worked hard to catch up on math.  

This has been a challenging year socially...well really over the last few months as your very best friend moves on to private school and your other best friend moves far away.  My heart has been hurting for you but I know it is only a time of transition and I hope to see you continue being courageous and forging new relationships.

We have watched you go from the baby of the family to a wonderful big sister- so protective and loving.  Yes!  You push Eva's buttons like no one's business but you are also her biggest fan and champion.

I look at you sometimes and marvel at how strong you are.  The things you excel at and your determination are qualities I never had and always wanted to.  I learned how to work for what I wanted as an adult...and learned to fight for what is right and yet I look at you and sometimes I see you already there and I would've curled up in a ball and my 10 year old would consider some things "easy."

As you are turning 10, I want you to read the words I posted from Lee Ann Womack's song, "I Hope You Dance,"....I wish you all of it...I want you to see the wonder and beauty of everything and I want you to take part in it all and most importantly, as I am teaching myself, I want you, too, to "Follow The Joy."

I love you my Baby Bird...Happy Happy Birthday! XOXO

Love, Mama


  1. Happy Birthday Diana! Looked like such a FUN party :)

    Oh Holly this post brought happy tears to my eyes!

  2. Hi! I could have sworn I've been to this blog before but after
    browsing through some of the post I realized it's
    new to me. Nonetheless, I'm definitely happy
    I found it and I'll be bookmarking and checking back frequently!

  3. Happy birthday to your daughter! Looks like she had a fun sleepover party. That's a pretty cake.
    I had to laugh at the last bday party picture of that girl yawning at the table.
