Friday, July 20, 2018

Friday Favorites

Yeah for Friday!!!  Woohoo!!  So happy to see the weekend AND to linkup with Erika, Andrea and Narci HERE to share some faves from my week.....

 More Swim for Miss Pidge

Softball Lessons for Miss Diana

Little Sissy patiently watching and waiting :)

 Straight Hair for Theater Head Shots!

 Fave MEMEs

 Aladdin at The Boston Opera House

Little Miss Diana got to experience a wonderful Broadway show right in Boston- we were grateful that one of her besties' moms took the kiddos in- this was a field trip that is part of her theater camp and she had a ball!

and these two cuties got cast in The Greatest Showman and will be singing the child's song- we can't wait to see them!

Here are the four shows they will be performing this year....

Golf or Coyote Hunting?

The joke and also the scariest thing right now in town is that there are coyotes every where!  EEK!  We have seen one in our yard at least once/ when the ladies took to the golf course on Wednesday night, we kept a lookout because I may just be the biggest wimp ever!!  Anyway we are working/prepping for the big Lobstah Trap tournament this Sunday and praying we don't get rained out!

Summer Must Haves at their PEAK


and blueberries...yes....even in beer...I LOVE New England!!

and a school board that does The Escape Room?  Priceless!

Hope you all have a beautiful weekend!


  1. okay that lobster rolls looks amazing!! Happy weekend Holly!

  2. YIKES about the coyotes! Diana looks so grown up with her hair straight for the theater head shots, can't wait to see her performance in The Greatest Showman production ;) Happy Weekend Holly!

  3. Ooh I would definitely want to come see those shows- especially the Greatest Showman! What a great line up! Have a beautiful weekend Holly!!

  4. how fun that they get to perform the Greatest Showman!!!

  5. Fingers crossed for great weather at your golf tournament. Today we were playing golf and I thought a goose was going to come out of the water and get me while I was tee-ing off...NOT good! Ha! I can relate to the coyote story. What a fun list of favorites. Happy Friday!

  6. Great post! Love the memes! That's awesome your daughter is in 4 musicals!

    Hope you're having a great weekend!
