Wednesday, May 30, 2018

What's Up Wednesday (May 2018)

My FAVORITE linkup all month is here again!  I can't believe it is already the end of May!  Linking up with Mel, Sheaffer and Shay HERE

Here goes nothing!

What We're Eating This Week

Friends, in May, our meal planning goes out the window unfortunately.  We are in true survival mode- making sure we meet all of our obligations at work and at home...and making sure the kiddos get all of their homework done...get to all of their sports and dance classes...well you get it.  We are all in the same boat!  With that being said, here are a few meals from the last few weeks, that have worked.  Our meals have been a bit more simple and catering to Daddy's needs right now pre-surgery...

Shay's Pineapple Lime Tilapia
Find the Recipe HERE

Barbequed Chicken Layered Pasta Salad
Find it HERE

Oh My...just delish!

Shay's Lemon Gnocchi with Peas 

(we skipped the parm)
Find the Recipe HERE

Trader Joe's Mahi Burgers with Trader Joe's Misto Alla Griglia 

and because my girls are getting fussier and fussier, we have mixed in Trader Joe's corn dogs, grilled cheeses and fish sticks and fries....sigh.....

What I'm Reminiscing About

A Wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!

What I'm Loving

My new lobster bag...adorable right?

He just needs a name...send any suggestions please!

What We've Been Up To

We got braces!

Mama got to spend some QT with Godfather Andrew! 

We enjoyed seeing Daddy play at the Fisher Cats game with the Batsons

We have been enjoying Diana's softball games

and we loved watching her dance in the show, "A Child's View Of The Holocaust" 

as well as seeing her work in her school's Art Show

We celebrated Eva's 4th Birthday with her Pals at Love and Flour Bakery where they decorated cupcakes and aprons!

and then at home with family and friends...Kentucky Derby Style!

We enjoyed Opening Day for Softball/Baseball

and seeing Bon Jovi make it into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame!

 Mama and her PTA pals hosted the successful 2nd Annual Educator of the Year Celebration

and Eva is LOVING spending time with coach Kali at hockey!

There has been firepit fun all around..... 

and we celebrated BA's birthday! 

and the Mamas felt special on Mother's Day!

We celebrated Sophie's Bat Mitzvah......

and Baby Maggie's Christening!

Mama devoured all things Royal Wedding....

We celebrated Cass's Birthday.....

and enjoyed a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend with Family and home...around the beach and up in Portsmouth!

What I'm Dreading

Rob's surgery....:(

What I'm Working On

Summer plans.....little road know the usual this time of year!

What I'm Excited About

SUMMER...can't wait to get to the ocean EVERY WEEK...bring me to the beach please....and excited for golf....and all sorts of outdoor time with family and friends

What I'm Watching/Reading

So very sad....watched Season 1 of Rise AND NBC cancelled it- not renewing it and I am so seems to happen with theater shows and it is just disappointing

American Housewife

The gala was a success and I laughed and celebrated right with Katie- hysterical!

Billions (still so good)

American Idol

Yeah Maddie!

Dancing with the Stars

Yeah Adam!

and I was only able to get through one book this month (crazy May and all)...and barely...had to do it for book club but would not was disappointing....

The Flight Attendant by Chris Bohjalian

I do continue to read my daily devotionals.  The ones I am working my way through now include:
Jesus Lives by Sarah Young, Sacred Reading by Douglas Leonard, Everyday Holy by Melanie Shankle and I've Been Thinking by Maria Shriver

What I'm Listening To

So...we figured out the benefits of Apple Family Music Share and we are LOVING it!  For $14.95/month, your family members can download and listen to unlimited music..I kid you not!  I have been downloading songs since this weekend...we thank our friends for talking us into this AND I think it is SO WORTH it...very excited....

and yes that Fort Lauderdale mix is still playing in these parts ;)

What I'm Wearing

Though my Lilly cardigan is old it has been getting a whole lotta wear...we have had a chilly spring here in New England and it is the perfect traditional piece.
You can find similar HERE 

 Striped top from J Crew Factory
Find similar HERE

 a little Lilly sprinkled in for good measure :)

 and JC Penney has been ON for tops

Exhibit A

 and Exhibit B

See it better here....

and a whole lotta Red, White and Blue of course!

Dress HERE, Flip Flops Similar HERE, Lobster Purse   Similar HERE

What I'm Doing This Weekend

Out with mom pals and gal pals on Friday night, our town Strawberry Festival on Saturday, Date Night Sat Night and our town's 5k for Cancer Research on Sunday- lots of springtime fun!!

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

Diana's Dance Recital, More softball games, and more outdoor fun...

and more time spent out here for sure!

What Else is Going On?

Work has been crazy busy- I am not complaining- I do want it to last-grateful for the business and the economy!

Bonus Question Of The Month:
What is My Favorite Summer Salad?

Oh I have so many but a recent fave is the one I am picking today
The Strawberry Caprese Salad- so delish!
I include both mint and basil in mine for an extra kick and I only like to use a balsamic glaze for the dressing- that is seriously all it needs- so pretty and so so yummy!  Perfect for summer.
Find similar recipes HERE

That's a wrap!  Hope you all survive the final weeks of school- and try and enjoy these moments- they will be gone before you know it XO


  1. Love that adorable lobster bag! So perfect for east coast living:) Will be thinking about your husband Rob and his surgery!!

  2. That lobster purse is the CUTEST! Loving your fun & festive patio area too :)

  3. It’s been awhile since I checked in—love your new site design!! You have the most energetic posts 😀😀😀 Happy Summer from a fellow New Englander!

  4. Where did you get that lobster purse? So jealous. I vote Larry as the name!


  5. Wow, you've had a FUN May full of celebrations also! Love it!
    I need to try those TJ's Mahi Mahi Burgers!
    Thanks for linking up with us! :)

  6. @Jaclyn- thank you! I appreciate the support :)

  7. @Rechelle- thank you! I feel like we need to be out there as much as possible after that long harsh winter! :)

  8. @Michelle- thank you! I hope you have a wonderful summer- the great weather is finally here!

  9. @Patty- Ebay! It is my go- to for most items :) I am thinking that Larry really works- love it! :)

  10. @Mel -thank you! I also love their Chili Lime Chicken Burgers and Salmon Burgers :)

  11. That strawberry salad looks beautiful and delicious! I had my gall bladder removed laparoscopically a few years ago,so I will offer some words of advice for your hubby. 1.You are going to feel so much better, you will probably overdo. Remember to take it easy. 2. Your body will need some time to figure out how to digest different foods now, so stay on the mild diet for a while longer. I learned the hard way about the taking it easy. I am a retired teacher and was still in the thick of teaching, when I had the surgery. I was convinced I could just recover over the weekend after having surgery on a Friday and return to my first graders on Monday. I did, but learned my lesson and remained on half days for the rest of the week. I will be sending positive thoughts your way for everyone!

  12. @ Robin- you should try making that salad- it is SO GOOD! Thank you for the gallbladder advice- Rob and I truly appreciate it!
