Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday Favorites (Pre-Summer Edition)

We are entering one of my favorite weekends all year!  Memorial Day Weekend means it is the beginning of summer and the beginning of all things patriotic- for the win!

As always, linking up with the lovely ladies HERE 

Here are some faves from this week.....

 Official Royal Wedding Photos

I have been devouring them...plain and simple

Healthy and Creative Meals

We are trying to get creative as Rob's diet has to be very low fat and plain prior to his surgery.  We really enjoyed Shay's Pineapple and Lime Tilapia this week and it was easy and quick for me to whip up- FTW!  Find the recipe  HERE

 Bar Cart

My blogging friend Jaclyn inspired me to put together a bar cart.  I always love her creative ideas!  I snagged the cart itself on sale at Target and then grabbed some practical and decorative items at Christmas Tree Shop!  We are all set for entertaining year round, however, this will come in handy for outdoor entertaining.  We will be christening it this weekend- can't wait!  I also can't wait to change the theme per season!

Fave Memes of the Week

This one..sad but true...sometimes I never learn

and how hysterical and true is this one????

Outdoor Time

Soooo grateful that we can finally play outside!  Eva has been begging to ride her "bike" and we finally made that happen....

(still in her soccer uniform )

 and Robby B (with Eva's help) did such a great job planting my flowers out front...I took in the beauty this week too.....

and we are enjoying our new fire night...unwinding...priceless

and not to be morbid but Rob's mom's stone is finally up at the cemetery....I got so choked up....My Father In Law is so proud of the stone he picked...I love the message on it...they were together for a lifetime

Rob and I started the process of buying the plots across from them.  I know it is not a comfortable topic but we are so certain that we want to be buried in Windham AND near Rogers Park where we spent many of our early days at the kids' baseball and softball games....also next to the playground where I would take Diana (and also a fun fact...where I met Rob jokes, "it always comes back to Lea" hysterical!)

Golf Lessons

So we finally made this happen and I already feel so much better.  I think the lessons are exactly what we need to feel more comfortable on the course when we start to play again in a few weeks.  A few friends and I had our first lesson with Joanne Flynn and she simply rocks!  It was the first time that I got instruction and was able to apply it and it got me sooo excited!!  In addition, she is such a fun person!  Joanne- you simply rock!

That's a wrap! more is my bestie Cass's bday...we are going to have fun celebrating her!  I love that her birthday is around Memorial Day Weekend...there is just so much fun in the air!  Hope you have a wonderful one!


  1. I can't get enough of the Royal wedding pics either!! My hubby and both kids golf! I guess I need to start taking lessons! HA
    Hope y'all have a great weekend!!

  2. YES, I'm still obsessing over all things Royal wedding too! LOVE your new bar cart that will be so fun to change up throughout the year :) Have a great weekend Holly!

  3. Amen to playing outside! It's made such a big difference for us! I'm still laughing at that lunch meme. :) Ry and I also have buying plots on our to-do list. It does seem uncomfortable, but it's going to feel really good to know it's taken care of. I love the beautiful headstone for your mom-in-law. Hope you have a great Memorial day weekend.

  4. I LOVE your bar cart and what a find to score it on sale at Target!!
    Your backyard looks so beautiful with all of the trees! Looks like a perfect spot for entertaining. Happy Weekend!

  5. I think it's a great idea that you went ahead and purchased plots. I've seriously considered doing the same thing in the near future, so I can be buried in the same cemetery as my mom.

  6. @Heather- it is so much fun! It is really the only thing I am terrible at that I really enjoy- ha ha!! You should start!

  7. @Rechelle- seriously! It really is like a real life fairytale :)

  8. @Laura- thank you! Hope you had a great one!

  9. @Jaclyn- thank you! You inspired me with your bar cart- I can't wait to change it up for the seasons too :) It has already made outdoor dining soooo much easier :)

  10. @Terra one of those necessary things :)
