Monday, April 16, 2018

Weekend Recap

What a great weekend!  

Here is what it looked like.......


Janie (my friend at work and one of my soulmates) met for lunch...we don't get to do this enough...only a couple of times a year because we are so busy at work BUT when we do, it is epic.  It is such a great market that we ended up working for half of the time...

Exhibit A 

All good...client calls...candidate calls and so much fun with live advice.  We laughed...we cried and we enjoyed our QT together!

 Friday Night

I had a few close friends over to enjoy a night with a Medium.  I must preface this my saying I am very skeptical.  If you have been reading, you know I am a devout catholic and very religious and spiritual.  Jesus is my Jam and will always be.  Once in awhile, however, I get curious and I have to admit it was a great night.  Things got rather emotional for me which was hard but I am glad my friends got to experience some "visits."


We had to get up early to clear out the girls' room and my office so National Floors Direct could come and install new carpets.  Well, guess what?  They called to say they had an emergency and couldn't do the install.  We are really hoping they are true to their word and get the install done today...will keep you posted...right now we are not impressed at all with the company or their service BUT I try to keep things mostly positive around here so there's that!

I ran around to do errands while Rob dropped Diana off at her all-day dress rehearsal for The Lorax.  One of the moms captured a cute pic for me of Diana and her cast mates (dressed as Barbaloots)

Then it was time for Pidge and me to head to Alana's bday party at Launch in Methuen.  It was a great place- full of trampolines and all sorts of fun.  Pidge had a ball (for most of the time)..she got scared later on for a silly reason but the big girls took such great care of heart was melting.  We loved celebrating little Alana...this little soul always makes me smile and laugh!

 Saturday Night

Daddy had a gig and the girls had a sleepover with Papa Bob.  Mama headed out to celebrate Lea's Bday...yes the continuation of her bday month- hysterical!  This night was what she asked for...a girls night with her closest friends...cocktails and apps at Copper Door and then back to my house for her favorite dessert ("the cake" from Sugar and Spice)...I also picked up some pretty macaroons from Love and Flour.  We had a ball...lots of laughs...and lots of celebrating my bestie who has brought so much joy and true friendship to my life!


and just because she loves attention so much.....(not really)


I met my friend Bethany for breakfast to catch up and plan for our PTA movie day fundraiser.  She always makes me laugh so hard and getting together with her is "free therapy" as I call it ;)  I then helped her set everything up for our movie event before taking off to get Diana ready for her big day of dance.  We snapped a few pics for PR once we were all set up :)

Then I raced home to get Diana ready for her big day of being judged and awarded.  It was LDA's Performance Awards.  The dancers are judged by judges from the American Academy of Ballet.  They flew in from all over- Tel Aviv, NYC and California.  She did such a great job and was the only student at Level 2 to achieve a gold medal!  (Full post coming this week!)

What a great weekend!


  1. I too am so very skeptical yet really intrigued by Mediums, neat that you all got to experience it together! Can't wait to hear more about Diana's awards too :) Cheers to another fabulous week!

  2. As usual your weekend sounded like a blast!! Congrats to your daughter!!!
