Monday, February 12, 2018

Weekend Recap (Daddy's Home Edition!)

Daddy's Home- yeahhhhhh!!!!

I missed my Robbie B and so did the in our eyes...all is right with the world!

Here is what our weekend looked like.....

Friday Night

Ally came over to watch the girls so Mama could head to book club.  They had a ball and Eva was just a little wild with excitement!

While at book club, I loved Lisa's sangria...especially since "Brad" was hanging on my glass ;)

This was our first official book club get together and our first book was a winner...Night Road by Kristin Hannah...SO GOOD...friends...if you have kids in high school or even if you say someday I will..this is a good you some ideas on how to prepare for the tough things that come up...the characters seemed so real to me...heart wrenching and heartwarming all in one


Daddy was on his way home so the girls and I AND Zach (because he loves coming to Diana's basketball games) jumped in the car, made a pit stop at Dunks and then we were on our way to Diana's basketball game at 8:30am.  I couldn't believe Zach jumped up so early and without having to be woken up- he really enjoys these games- love it!  Once we were in the gym, he couldn't resist helping Diana warm up and giving her some pointers!

It was a tied game and a very exciting one!  Diana was thrilled that she scored two baskets!

After dropping Zach at home, we met up with the Fournier Girls and took part in a fundraiser for Baby Finn who is the son of one of our directors at the dance studio and TTC Camp.  He battles liver disease and we were happy to do something to help him and his family.  The girls LOVED painting pottery!

and then we stopped for a quick lunch at Wasabi....girls will be girls!

We headed home after lunch to rest for a bit.

Then that night, Lindsay came to watch the girls and Jess and Joe picked Mama up for a fun night out with friends.  We had tickets to a comedy show and we stopped at La Caretta first for dinner...I was getting more excited by the minute because Daddy would be meeting me at the restaurant.  

Though we were a large and rowdy bunch, daddy was wiped....I snapped this pic because he refused to smile for me...BUT I was so thrilled he was home and smothered him with hugs and kisses (while being ridiculed by some besties)

Part of me took the pic for Lea because she confirmed that it was okay to make him come out after a day of travel because she does the same thing to Mike...yep I was feeling guilty but not until we enjoyed a chuckle first...Daddy was home and I was celebrating!


 It was time for mass, grocery shopping and organizing for the week.  We also got Diana's Valentines done and I let the girls decorate Valentine cookies...they were none to pleased...then the kitchen looked like a pink wonderland...eek!

 In between the decorating, we enjoyed watching various Olympic events...Daddy was all about the hockey of course and even threw on his old jersey for the fun of it...hysterical!

Last night, Mama snuck out to grab a seltzer with Lea to catch up on our crazy lives and prepare for another crazy week of life!  What were you up to?

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