Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Stitchfix ..... You Have Redeemed Yourself!

So...I have talked about Stitchfix here before...I kind of had a Love/Hate relationship with Stitchfix.  I loved some of the pieces and couldn't stand others....and then sometimes I could not believe how expensive some pieces were.  

Well.....I cancelled Stitchfix indefinitely and then a few weeks ago, I decided to give it another try.  I noticed, when I re-registered that there were many more questions about my I was none too pleased to type RUFFLES, RUFFLES, RUFFLES and LACE, LACE, LACE.... 

and guess what my friends?  This latest Fix was ON POINT!  I also noticed that they really took my price point into consideration and the pieces were much more affordable...FTW!

I ended up with the three of the five pieces.  The two pieces I returned were a sleeveless black top which would be more appropriate in the Spring AND a pink jacket that was just okay....

So....I kept THREE TOPS...yep three!  Yeah!!  They are perfect and exactly what I needed to get me through the rest of Fall and Winter....check them out

Top # 1

Cream and Black Striped Ruffle Sweatshirt

Comfy...casual...and yet the ruffles add a little flare so you can dress it up too...right?

Top #2

Cranberry Ruffle Cold Shoulder Sweatshirt

Again...comfy...contemporary...and yet can be dressed up...especially for Thanksgiving!  Yeah!

Top # 3

Kenneth Cole Ruffle Sleeve Black Top

Oh night?  Girls Night Out?  Right?  I LOVE black in the winter and add ruffles and lace and I am a goner!!  

There ya have it...I am kinda a fan again....spacing out my "fixes" but giving it a shot again...because I crave outfit inspiration and need to get out of my workout clothes and same old black tee from time to time!

Linking up with Lindsay at The Pleated Poppy for What I Wore Wednesday HERE


  1. Love the shirts! I was wondering how Stitch Fix had been lately..glad to see they are improving!

  2. Love subscription boxes...I've never tried stitch fix but I have done Trendsend...very similiar. That ruffle top is so cute on you!

  3. Girl,

    I am with you on the love/hate with Stitch Fix. We are currently "on a break" but I think you got some really fun pieces. I love that black shirt with the lace. Fashion Queen!


  4. I've never tried Stitch Fix. Not sure I ever will. But I do like reading other's opinions on the pieces they receive. I really like that first shirt on you.
