Wednesday, September 6, 2017

What's Up Wednesday (September 6th- Postponed from August 20, 2017)

It's my favorite linkup of the month!  These are always my favorite posts to look back on- I love reliving the memories and also check out what I was wearing so I can make sure I duplicate outfits that worked!  And yes, I always revert back to these posts for successful recipes as well!  Linking up with Mel, Shay and Sheaffer HERE

What We're Eating This Week

I am so happy to be typing these words....
Our meal planning started up again last week...woohooo!!! 

Last week, here is what our dinners looked like...

Monday Night was Haddock Florentine with Brown Rice (the girls had fish sticks and brown rice)
Check out the Florentine recipe HERE

Tuesday night was Baked Chicken Tacos for "Taco Tuesday" :)

Wednesday night was "Pasta Worthy Wednesday" and we had Chicken, Broccoli and Bacon Pasta (Mama and Daddy had theirs with Paleo sweet potato noodles)
Check out that recipe HERE 

  "Anything Thursday" was Breakfast for Dinner! (This included multi-grain waffles, blueberries and bacon)

and....Friday Night was Pizza Night of Course!

and since we are Back To School, Diana's lunches have been ON POINT...let's hope this the Yum Box last week, I put pasta shells with sauce, cheese and crackers, strawberries and Go-Gurt...this week, it is salami rolls, a cheese stick, crackers, strawberries and edamame .  Fingers crossed that everything continues to get eaten!

This week, our dinners look like this.....

We went out for steamers!

Instead of Taco Tuesday, we did Salmon Tuesday.  It was the quickest dinner to whip up on a crazy night of PTA and School Board responsibilities along with cheer practice!  We grilled the salmon and had it with brown rice and steamed broccoli.

Tonight is "Taco Wednesday"...just go with it ;)
I am making a Dorito Taco Casserole
Find the Recipe HERE 


Cornflake Chicken Tenders with Honey Mustard, Sweet Potatoe Fries and Apple Slices.  Find the Chicken Recipe HERE

Friday Night Pizza Night!

What I'm Reminiscing About 

All the Back to School Memories...mine...Diana's...the excitement of the new supplies and outfits and the anticipation of meeting your teacher and finding out who is in your class.  As much as I LOVE summer....I also love everything about school and now love living through the eyes of my girls :)
 (only 3 years ago but feels like a lifetime) :(

What I'm Loving

Despite all of the devastation in southern TX, I love seeing people come to those in need.  The rescue workers, the kind hearted citizens and even the media.  They are helping to spread the word that there are so many in need.  If you want to donate to the people of Southern TX affected by Hurricane Harvey, you can text HARVEY to 90999 and  you will make a $10 donation to the American Red Cross.
These donations will help with basic supplies, medicines and overall relief .  Let's continue to pray for our TX friends.

What We've Been Up To

We saw my high school BFF and her family when we took a road trip to their home on the lake in NJ- AWESOME SUMMER WEEKEND!

We enjoyed Diana's Triple Threat Theater show especially when she played Kate in School of Rock!

Eva enjoyed a fun day with Mimi and Papa when they did blueberry picking and had lunch at Chuck E Cheese :)

We met friends at the park!

and spent plenty of qt with our besties

Eva LOVED her very first dentist appointment!

Diana loved UCA Camp!

especially when she earned "All American Cheerleader"

 Mama and Daddy enjoyed Windham's 275th Birthday Celebration Gala with friends

 We hung out with our besties and shared some more epic laughs

Diana enjoyed "Golf Camp" with Papa Bob

and choreography with Sam

We had a blast on our annual trip to Santa's Village and Story Land with the Graham Fam

and Mama and Daddy celebrated 13 years of wedded bliss!

Mama has been boot camping it!

and Mama enjoyed her company's summer outing on The Spirit of Boston!

Diana loved checking items off of her summer list including a fun sleepover with Alexis and Alana

and we had a ball at Tessie and Mark's Wedding!

Mama and Diana celebrated our 5th Annual Mommy Daughter Boogie Boarding Day!

and we celebrated Diana's 9th Birthday with her Besties at Canobie Lake Park!

 We had fun taking our cheer pictures!

 and we celebrated Papa Pete's 76th Birthday

 Diana cheered at the first football game of the season and these two "job sharers" got in on the action ;)

Diana got to meet her new teacher, Miss Ryan!

and then enjoyed celebrating the end of summer at her cheer team's pool party

and while Diana was swimming, Eva was skating!
Here she is looking up at some of her heart is melting

We went Back To School!

and the Mamas celebrated mourned!

and Mama and Daddy spent Labor Day Weekend, including Mama's Birthday with some Besties in Hampton and Portsmouth (quality ocean time!)

 What I'm Dreading

Less Sunlight...when the days get

What I'm Working On

My career, my health, meal planning....ya know...the usual

What I'm Excited About

As much as I love the summer, I am excited about all things fall....
Pumpkins...Festivals...Haunted much fun!

What I'm Watching/Reading

Watching First...

Odd Mom Out...keeps getting more hysterical! hot!

Dance Moms...guilty pleasure ;)

and because I finished up The Secret Life of the American Teenager...Rob and I started watching Ray Donovan...he is more into it than I am...I am not one for much violence

and reading....

It was a couple of rough months with several disappointments

I could not get through "Right Behind You" I the only one?

so when the sequel of Everything We Keep came out, called Everything We Left Behind, I was so excited and quickly switched over....
Another disappointment...I couldn't believe it

After that, I picked up a quick read.  Another Elin Hilderbrand one called, The Surfing Lesson.  It is a short story and it acts as a prequel to her novel, Beautiful Day, which was one of my favorites!  This story was quick, easy and entertaining (especially if you already know the characters)

and then I FINALLY read a book as wonderful as The Girl On The Train...just as suspenseful and so quick!  I read it in a weekend and I was so excited!  I also read that there is a movie coming out...cannot wait!  It is called The Silent Wife by A.S.A Harrison.  Sadly Harrison passed away from cancer and did not live to see the success of this novel and the future film.

What I'm Listening To

We declared our "Song of the Summer of 2017" Believer by Imagine Dragons
It started on Tom and Laurel's boat and it continued all summer....we will never forget this epic summer or this was so so wonderful...the song keeps bringing back our wonderful memories...

What I'm Wearing

Lots of Lilly AND Lots of Workout and Cheer Clothes!

What I'm Doing This Weekend

Mama has a night out with her PTA friends.  We are taking a limo to see the Richard Marx and Rick Springfield Concert up in Guilford NH.  We splurged for VIP too so we will be served dinner and drinks- can't wait!

Saturday night Diana is cheering at the football game!

Sunday will mean mass! Diana also has Nutcracker tryouts and we have a block party...not too busy! ;)

What I'm Looking Forward To Next Month

All the Halloween Fun!!

What Else Is New?

Big client meeting this week.  Presentation- check.  Challenge accepted.  Now fingers crossed that we win the business!

Bonus Question Of The Month: What are my Back-To-School Lunch Ideas?

Just trying to keep it interesting.  We are all in with the Yum Box over here so each week, Diana will have a different variety of lunch and snack foods.  Week 1 it was pasta shells and sauce, cheese and crackers, a Go Gurt and Strawberries.  Week 2 it is salami rolls, a cheese stick, wheat thins, baby carrots and strawberries.  I love getting new lunch ideas on Pinterest and as always, I love getting tips from my blogging friends!

Can't wait to see what you have been up to!


  1. We can't wait for Halloween either! I can't tell you that Ray Donovan gets any better- I liked season 1, but we stopped mid-way through season 2. I think I've become a prude- but I'm so tired of everyone being naked on tv 24/7! Ugh!

  2. We love Baked Tacos!!! YUM!
    I think I need to look into buying a Yumbox. Everyone raves about them!
    Thanks for linking up with us!
