Monday, September 11, 2017

Weekend Recap (The Start of Fall 2017)

Okay Okay, I am giving into it.  It is Fall...BUT...on those nice Indian Summer days...I will be in a skort...trying to spend some time outside (even on the deck with my laptop) or even racing to the beach...but yeah it's Fall in these parts.....

We had a very fun weekend too and I wanted to share the deets with you....


Eva took her 2nd gymnastics class of the season.  Rob and I are alternating so this was my first week taking her (I am using the time as my lunch break and boy is it worth it!) Although she got a little sad leaving me, her friend Sophie quickly took her hand and helped her walk down to class.  My heart melted
 I got to catch up with Sophie's Mama Karen which is always fun.  Sophie was one of Eva's first friends at both school and gymnastics and Karen is one of those moms I love because she tells you like it is....always knows the scoop and calms me down ;)

Friday Night

It was time for Mama's night out with her PTA pals.  We had bought tickets several months ago to the Richard Marx and Rick Springfield acoustic show up in Gilford NH at the Bank of American Pavillion.
We all chipped in for a limo and VIP seating which gave us very comfy seats and tables so we could have snacks and have an extra fun time at the show.
We all met at Laura's house so the limo could pick us up in one place.  We snapped a couple pics before heading out of course!

and once we were in the car, we took some more pics of course.  The girls surprised me with a bday celebration including amazing cupcakes (we didn't indulge in those until the ride home which was also hysterical)

Once we got there, it was raining but a lovely gentleman pulled up in an over-sized golf cart and drove us to the entrance.  So nice and so fun!
Once in there, I found my friend Coleen, and had to snap some pics (everyone would think I was sick if I was not snapping pics).

and then the show started.  Richard Marx was exactly how I had expected...he brought the house is like he never aged...amazing...sounds amazing...looks amazing AND my favorite part of his set was when he talked about his three sons and how they are involved in his music now and they showed a film during one of his songs where they were in the recording studio with him...incredible!
I also took a short video of my favorite Richard Marx song...Should've Known Better!

and more pics.....

This pic was taken by the venue's photographer and we found it on the site- Bank of America Pavilion- we are famous now! ;)
 This shot was taken before the show and before all the seats behind us filled up...there was a big crowd so this pic is kinda deceiving!

Then it was time for Rick Springfield to come out.  Poor guy had a broken arm so he sat on a stool and sang for most of his set.  He had a roadie playing the guitar for him. His stories were downright depressing.  He kinds salvaged his set by Jessie's Girl and our friend Melissa was very happy for that song.  We snagged her this little bag too and she was thrilled!

A few more pics.....

and then Richard joined Rick at the end for a few songs.  I snagged a quick video of them doing a Beatles tune because I knew Rob and the girls would love to hear it :)

Great show- great time!
Then we headed home...and enjoyed the birthday cupcakes and other shenanigans in our limo :)


I have been battling a bad cold the last several days- it happens every September when the kiddos bring all of the germs home.  I fight through it as best as I can but Saturday was my day to sleep in.  I NEVER sleep in and it felt so good.  I didn't get out of bed until 9am....what?  That never happens...I needed it though. Rob took the girls to see his mom in the rehab facility in town (hoping she is strong enough to come home in a few weeks)....and I met Beth Ann at our Starbucks to catch up.

It was my first PSL of the season and it was perfect!
PSL + QT with BA= Perfection ;)

Later on, we had our home opener game against our biggest rival Pelham.  We usually play and cheer on Sundays but this was a fun change.  We cheered at the 4pm game up at the high school and the girls did so well.  

 That's Monkey flying!

Our team lost but the girls made the most of it and pulled together a decent halftime routine...check it out...(excuse my lopsided and cut off video...I was so into the routine and cheering them on that I forgot I was recording)

That night, Rob made us the best chicken soup and we all snuggled for a bit and enjoyed.  The girls and I headed to bed early and he headed out to his gig.


It was time for mass and groceries and organization for the week.  Then we had a crazy afternoon.  Diana had Nutcracker tryouts and we had our first ever block party.  I took Diana to tryouts and Rob headed to the party with Eva.
I took some pics of Diana and she said, "Mom do you always have to take pictures?" I was laughing inside thinking of what my family and friends say...and I replied, "why yes...yes I do!" Everyone gets annoyed but then they love the pictures and I love having the memories here in my blog and in my Shutterfly albums...that will never change.  I know it will get worse when she is a teenager but hopefully by then...she will just expect it right?

She was happy with her audition.  She said it was more fun because she knew what to expect and they had her try more things this year.  Who knows what will come of it or if we can even commit with the crazy cheer schedule but whatever is meant to be will be.

After tryouts, we joined the fam and our neighbors at the block party.  It was great to catch up with neighbors that we never see and we all agreed that this needs to be an annual tradition.  I was slacking with my picture taking...only captured three....

but one of our neighbors Mitizi is a professional photographer and I snagged a couple of her shots to share....

 That's a wrap!  Hope you all have a fun and productive week!


  1. Looks like such a fun weekend! You always amaze me with how much you're able to do in just a few days!

  2. Good for you for sleeping in. Doesn't 9am feel like noon at this point in our lives?

