Monday, September 25, 2017

Weekend Recap (2017 Newport Wine and Food Festival Edition)

Hi Friends!  This past weekend, Rob and I enjoyed our third annual Newport Wine and Food Festival in Newport, RI.  We had an amazing time but we were happy to get home to our babies yesterday too!  Here is a look at our weekend.


I headed down to Newport with some girlfriends.  It was raining and windy all day but it did not put a damper on our time.  Our first stop was 22 Bowen for an amazing lunch!  Check them out HERE 

After lunch, a few of our friends went to one of the wine seminars and then a few of us walked around and browsed in some shops then made a pit stop for a pumpkin martini at Busker's.  Check them out HERE

We then headed back to our hotel and it was time to check in.  We stayed in the best place!  It was the Pelham Court Hotel on Pelham Street- right near all of the action and a block from the famous Thames St.  Check them out HERE

It is all suites which used to be condos.  We had two units which were complete with kitchens and living areas- incredible!  Cass did all of the hotel research and although it was stressful, she did a great job!  

We enjoyed staying in and cooking together and had so much was like being in college with roomates again!  There may have been a dance party or two...and oh yeah...a burpee competition!  Ha ha!!!  Here are some random shots!  

and of course I made Laurel do her "Bridesmaids" impression...always cracks me up....


It was time for the main event- the Newport Wine and Food Festival Grand Tasting at The Marble House- one of the beautiful Newport Mansions set right on the ocean.  It is an incredible venue with breathtaking views and the event is always so much fun.  The hubbies all met us at the event and we had a great time per usual.  We tried wines from all over the world and got to sample such gourmet treats.  There were oysters and sushi and smoked meats, cheeses and jams...the list goes on and on.  This year, we even made a point of sitting near the ocean and taking in the breathtaking views- just incredible- I don't know how else to describe it.

So happy to find Pamela from my favorite J. Lohr again!  She is always so great about taking a picture with us too!  A few years ago, she even sent me an adorable apron because I am such a fan :)

Saturday Night

We headed back to the hotel to freshen up and headed out to town.  By this time, I was exhausted but I rallied!  We had a late dinner at The Midtown Oyster Bar and it was just ok...I was ready for bed!
Right after dinner, Robby B and I headed right back to the hotel.  A few of the girls headed out to dance for a bit but I was toast!  


It was time to head home and get our life in order again :)

We picked up the girls at Mimi and Papa's and spent some time with Mimi- the girls were proud to show us the Halloween cookies they made :)

On our way home, we picked up the rest of our pumpkins and outdoor decorations at Lowe's- it was 85 degrees so it felt kind of strange getting into our fall groove BUT I am not complaining :)

and we wrapped up the weekend with a football game- Diana cheered her little heart out- I got to snap a pic of her and her biggest fan :)

Hope you all had an amazing weekend!


  1. I love Newport and going to a wine festival there must be amazing. If my memory serves me correctly, I think that Marble House was used in the Great Gatsby classic movie made in the 1970's with Robert Redford. That's the Best version of that movie and that mansion is amazing!

  2. You girls are so fun!! I want to be part of your tribe on the next wine trip :)

  3. Absolutely @kristi You are welcome anytime! :)

  4. Re: Good Better Best- so interesting- I didn't know that! All the mansions are so beautiful- my parents took us when we were children to do all of the tours- I would love to do the same with my girls some day too!

  5. Um, I'm not so sure about that octopus! Looks like it was a fun experience. That pumpkin martini looks yummy.
