Friday, June 9, 2017

Friday Favorites (June 9, 2017)

Well is.....

My FAVE day all week!  As always, linking up with Andrea, Narci and Erika HERE

Here are my faves from the week

  Favorite Memes of the Week!

Peonies From The Yard are in FULL BLOOM!

My Baked Chicken Tacos with Pineapple Salsa 

These were a win this week!  (for the entire fam!)
I shared the recipe HERE


Academic Excellence

The end of the school year always brings some wonderful ceremonies.  Rob and I both got to participate in some pretty special evenings this week.  Rob attended and spoke at the "Top Ten Dinner" for the Top 10 Graduating Seniors at WHS and I got to attend and speak at the 8th Grade Academic Recognition Night.  We are avid volunteers in our town, however, the students are our favorite to support- love being involved!

Diana's Week

First Diana has been rehearsing for a big show this weekend.  I love when she comes home all pumped up after being inspired by older dancers.  Then she participated in a "Kindness Campaign" at school (warms my heart).  Yesterday we enjoyed watching her sing in her schools' "Western Round Up Day"...she even had a solo and nailed it...we were so proud!

Neighborhood Paint Night!

Well we did it!  My neighbor Erin organized a fun night for our "hood" and we made our name signs- they came out great BUT they were so much harder than I thought!  I don't have the steadiest hand AND I am a lefty so it was challenging but with Christie's help, my sign was salvaged!  We had so many laughs and agreed that we need to do more as a neighborhood!  Grateful for this town and the people I have met...especially when I can enjoy nights like this!

That's a wrap!  Looking forward to a fun filled Spring Weekend....hope you all enjoy and see you back here on Monday!


  1. I love that you and your neighbors all made signs. How fun is that?! Sounds like you had a great week!


  2. Your sign night sounded like a blast! Thanks for being such great supporters of your community/schools- teachers really appreciate it! Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Lots of goodness for you last week, but the sign...oh how cute!!! Love it!
