Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday Favorites (November 18, 2016)

Yeah!!  So happy to see Friday again!  Today I will be working and prepping for Diana's 1st Holy Communion tomorrow...where did my baby go?

Here are some favorites from this week!  As always, linking up with Erika, Andrea and Narci HERE

Looking back at our Christmas Card Pictures over the last 13!  How times have changed.

Our first family picture- Christmas 2003

and our picture last year...what our family looks like today!!

and look at these two babies...back in 2005...he still takes my breath away :)

and how about these two cherubs from two years ago?  I just want to squish them!

and Diana is back at it at ECE.  She was placed on the Junior Level 2 team again and couldn't be happier!  This year is going to be even more fun for her with some of her pals on the same team!

While we are on the cheer subject, Diana made the UCA All American Team back at Camp in August.
This week, her tee shirt came in and she is insisting on wearing it to school today!  When it came in we both looked at it- so happy- still so thrilled- I am proud of her because she has learned to work for everything!

 and the SPBs are a favorite of happy I met these ladies...they are so much fun...
Some pics they sent me from the bash and then a few pics from our fun game night on Monday night!

Favorite Ebay finds from the past few months....

The TB Ella Logo Tote



"Black Friday Pre Gaming" as I dubbed it.
The BFF had a coupon (she is a very professional shopper) for Yankee Candle- Buy Two and Get Two Free- so we met for coffee at Starbucks and hit up Yankee to snag some holiday faves.  No better way to get into the spirit friends!

and speaking of getting into the spirit...I helped to put up some Nutcracker posters for Diana's upcoming excited!!!

and Eva has been completely in the spirit and insists on watching The Grinch EVERY DAY even though it gets her a little "scary" as she calls it ;)

and Auntie Janie is getting the girls even more into the spirit....she always surprises them with little treats and this week it was larger than life Elf on the Shelf coloring books and crayons...they have both been coloring since!

and I have said it before...and will probably say it to infinity...I LOVE where we live...and I love that when I am exercising outside, I can get to the golf course easily, which is exactly 1 mile from our it means even more having spent so much time there this summer....looking at the 18th hole inspires me to keep working at my game...for as long as I can!

and gotta love school projects right?  Diana had a heritage project and had to make a heritage doll.  I was so touched when she decided to represent Italy with her doll.  Rob helped her make the doll and I helped her write down facts about our heritage and our family was a fun one friends!

and to wrap up this list of a whole lotta random things...going to end it with favorite holiday scents

My Favorite Yankee Candle....Christmas Eve
and my favorite holiday perfume...Angel

I know...Thanksgiving is next week...and it is one of my favorite times of the year...and I don't mean to jump the gun with my Christmas spirit but when you have little ones....can you blame me?  I am excited for Thanksgiving weekend...don't get me wrong....I am looking forward to Friend Fun on Thanksgiving Family Fun at the Turkey Trot and Dinner at our Black Friday shopping....and this year....The Nutcracker!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend friends!

1 comment:

  1. I'm into the Christmas spirit once November hits and I don't have little ones! haha At least some of my friends do so I will blame that! Love your Christmas pictures from past and more present.

    Have a great weekend!
