Friday, March 15, 2013

Insta Friday (March 15, 2013)

Pics from my week via my iPhone...stressful stressful week at is how I decompressed outside of the office...


and after....a BIG THANKS to Carmen from CJV Contracting....we miss him already!  Such a talent and such a great guy...will be coming up with more projects for him:)

Spring outfit!  As my mother says, I "always rush the seasons,"...well I CANNOT WAIT for Spring- ENOUGH of the winter!!

Our poor little monkey battled a stomach bug Friday and Saturday...but getting her hair done by the lovely Claribel makes her smile :)

Friday Night was the annual F.L.O.W banquet- I had a great was my first one and first year being on the board...F.L.O.W stands for the Friends of the Library of Windham- great group!

Saturday morning, still sick, "The Monk" fights through the bug to do a bang up job in her first ever cheer competition!  Daddy is an AWESOME Cheer Dad ;)

 Saturday night was CJay's benefit...great great time...I personally enjoyed the Wachusett Blueberry Beer ;)

Sunday was the Windham Rec's Annual Daddy Daughter Dance
We still sometimes call it the "Dotty Dance" as that is what Diana first called it as a baby 

Monday night power walk!  6:30pm and still light out!  Woohoo!  Look who just keeps....on....talking

Tuesday was election day- I took 1/2 vacation day to volunteer at the polls and make calls to remind our fellow townspeople to GET OUT AND VOTE!
Didn't go our way but we are a work in progress...

Someone else took some vaca time so we could enjoy a family lunch at BWG

How is everyone feelin' about the Alex and Ani collection?
I am LOVING first ever bracelet was the Young & Strong bracelet made in memory of Bridget; my 2nd one was the Blessed Mother; just topped off my collection with The Starfish,  and some Blue Stone bracelets for me

Daddy and Papa have been truly enjoying the little house projects like replacing our pendant lights over the counter

and nothing beats bedtime stories...

Hope you all had a terrific week!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

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