Friday, March 23, 2012

Insta Friday

life rearranged

Documenting my week in iPhone pix

Mimi's Birthday Celebraton= Sandwich Bar

Sunday Morning Over Easy

Learning our Letters

Tux Shopping for ZB's Junior Prom :)

Organizing our Lives...Including our K Cups!

An oldy but one of my faves...brought it back out this week

Lunch at BWG on Mimi's Real Birthday

Business Dinner of the Week with the Best Biz Partner in the World

Papa Bob's Birthday- with Ricotta Pie

and just to prove I could get a cell phone pic from the "Dotty Dance" as Diana calls it...I snapped this shot on my computer this morning ;)

Hope you you all had a great week!  Linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged

1 comment:

  1. Sandwich bar for a birthday celebration, love it!!! Fabulous pics, thanks for sharing them :-)
