Friday, December 3, 2010

Decorating the Tree! (A quick break from my favorite things) :)

I gathered the family together last Sunday so we could do one of our favorite things all year- decorate the Christmas tree. I was so happy Kayla could join us!

I fed everyone first so I could ensure their endurance for the decorating hours (ha ha!)

We went with something a little different- a Mexican theme- something very different from the turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce we had all mowed on over the last several days!

I made my Mexican chili dip, poppers and then taco salads.

After dinner, we got decorating and of course, Diana provided much entertainment. Daddy let Diana put the star on this year...this was her first time and our tradition is to let the kids take turns doing it each year :)

Later on we introduced The Elf on the Shelf to Diana. My Auntie Peggy gave this to us last year and were so excited to start the tradition. We had to name our Elf so Ally named him "Relf" and surprisingly everyone was fine with that- too flippin' funny!

Relf has been in a different location every morning, when Diana wakes up...he is keeping an eye on her for Santa...she always knows where to find him too!

What kinds of Christmas traditions do you share with your families?

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