Thursday, August 29, 2024

Monthly Musings: End of Summer and Back To School Edition


Hi Friends!  Patty and I are so glad you are here!  It is time for Monthly Musings and this month we are talking End of Summer and Back to School!  We are answering these questions...

So here we go....

1. Do you Meal Plan?  Any family friendly recipes to share?

Oh yes- it truly helps me to stay more organized all year long and definitely reduces weekday stress!

A few of our family faves include

Chicken, Broccoli and Ziti

Find my recipe HERE

Frito Pie

Find the recipe HERE


and Chicken Salads made with Popcorn Chicken

You can find the chicken recipe HERE


2. What are your Back to School traditions?

We pick out special outfits- we have a fun back to school dinner and we take our obligatory photos on the front steps

3. Where do you do your best shopping for kids clothes and school supplies?

I would say it is a toss up between Target, Old Navy and Amazon!  We only needed a few supplies this year as Diana is going to be a Junior and we bought the supply kit for Eva through the PTA.  I got some cute outfits for Eva from Target and Old Navy and a few things for Diana on Amazon.


4. How Do You Transition Your Wardrobe for Fall?


I add layers- light jackets- vests.  I also definitely add back in LEATHER :) Sometimes it is really chilly here in the mornings and then it warms right up in the afternoons so you have to be flexible for sure!



 5. Any end of summer trips planned? started back yesterday and Diana has cheer all weekend...we will be celebrating my birthday around home and that is fine by me! :)


6. Do schools in your area start before or after Labor Day?

Here it is before...they started yesterday.  When I was growing up, it was always after and I love that.  I wish NH would go back to that...sigh...


7. What are your Labor Day plans?

We will be celebrating my brother's and my birthdays here on Saturday.  Heading to the beach with Cass on Sunday and dinner at her house Sunday night and who knows what Monday will bring...I am excited for a long weekend for sure!

8. What after Labor Day?  Yes or No?

I say you do you but I won't wear white shoes after Labor Day.  Maybe white pants/jeans from time to time but usually not

9. Pumpkin soon as it comes out or wait until real Fall?

Well...since I am already sipping Pumpkin Spice coffee right now I would say "as soon as it comes out." Don't tell Rob I said that though- ha!


10. Best life hacks for Back To School

Meal Plan- Set outfits out the night before- get homework done ASAP each day- if you are a work-from-home mom then plan your calls and meetings for when the kids are out of the house- it is like heaven to be able to focus in the quiet!

Wishing you all a wonderful school year and fall!


  1. The recipes look good and have a great weekend! Thanks for hosting!

  2. Love your outfit pictures! And your meal planning is impressive!! Football and birthday celebrations sound like great weekend plans :).

  3. The brocoli ziti recipe looks good so I'm saving that one. I am big on meal planning even with just the two of us home. If we have a sudden change of plans I roll with it, but I hate thinking about what I'm making for dinner at dinner time. Enjoy your birthday celebrations! My hubs birthday is this weekend too and we have friends coming for dinner on the day. Have a great long weekend!

  4. Good luck with your girls going back to school. Have a happy birthday and enjoy the long weekend.

  5. As usual we are on the same page with white jeans and pumpkin spice coffee! Thanks for being the Best partner!


  6. I don't think I even own white shoes.. I don't have much white at all just one pair of capri pants and a pair of jeans and maybe a long skirt or two but white and I don't go well together. I'm a bit too messy for white. It sounds like you have a fabulous weekend planned! Happy birthday!

  7. Always such cute outfits! And we do Target, Walmart, and even Kroger for school supplies!

  8. I forgot about the tip about picking outfits the night before. That's such a good one! Have a GREAT weekend! It sounds just about perfect!
