Monday, July 29, 2024

Hello Monday (July 29, 2024)


Hi Friends!  Sarah and I are so glad you are here!  If you blogged about your weekend, grab our graphic above and link back up with us below...

It was a quintessential New England summer weekend in these parts and my heart is happy!  Awesome mix of downtime, family time the beach and the SOX with besties....LOVE New England Beaches AND Boston AND the Sox and Fenway and yeah "steamahs" of course ;)

Here is what it all looked like...

Friday Night

Pidge and I were sooo excited to watch the Olympics Opening Ceremony!  What a fun mix of music and entertainment...we were blown away...I think it was the best one I have seen yet!  Diana worked and Robby B had a gig



I was so excited that the weather has been wonderful and truly appreciated it!  We had some appointments first thing then we jumped in the Jeep- grabbed a fun pic and headed to the beach.

I wanted to do our "Mommy Daughter Boogie Board Day" because with real estate picking up for me,  we may not be able to squeeze it in, in Carpe Diem!


We also made it a family affair...Daddy joined us and it ended up being the perfect day


 The sun felt amazing- the waves were great and decompressing on the beach with my tunes makes me happy.

After the beach, we hit Brown's on the way home for a late lunch/early dinner and to grab our first (and maybe only) "steamahs" of the season!  Well Rob and I ate the steamers and Diana had lobster while Pidge had mac n cheese....

BUT...we got Eva to try her very first steamers and she became a fan...check it out!

We crashed and watched some more of the Olympics...such a great day


It was a productive morning- made breakfast, got the meal planning and groceries done and did some blogging then we headed to mass...then made another batch of protein balls (recipe coming soon!)

Then Cass suggested a movie to me, "Like Father" with Kristen Bell and Kelsey Grammar- it was so cute! 

We got the kids settled and then headed out to pick up Laurel and Tom.  Tom got Red Sox tickets from a vendor (yes he is in the staffing industry too- I must be doing something wrong- ha!)  We got to see the Sox Yankees game- ahhhh!  Lifelong dream...and the seats?  FABULOUS!  Probably the best seats I will ever have :)  

Anyway, I digress...Tom is the best Captain wherever we are....Italy...Boston...he knew where to park which was easy to get in and get out and he knew the best restaurant for a pre-game dinner- Bosho where we enjoyed cocktails and sushi- so fun!

and then we walked right over to the park...oh love it here sooo much...

When we got inside, we could not believe our seats- UNREAL!!

Joe Castiglione, local sports reporter and legend in these parts was just inducted into the Hall of Fame last week...he was throwing out the first official pitch and his family was there to celebrate...I am a BIG fan of his son Duke, who is also a local sports reporter...we watch him on Channel 5...After the pitch, when the family was walking by, Rob called Duke's name and I snapped a pic..I was SO EXCITED to get it- ha!

Play Ball! favorite of the 8th! wasn't the outcome we were looking score was 8-2 Yankees- BOO!

Great great night though...great way to wrap up an awesome summer weekend with friends too!


The girls hung out with Papa- they went to dinner and then used the fire pit to roast marshmallows- so cute!



What were you all up to?

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  1. That's a great weekend! Your seats at the game are incredible! I agree that the beach is always a good idea. It feels so good to let the ocean soak it all up. I love your boogie boarding tradition! Have a great week!

  2. Great beach and ball park pics! Fenway looks like a great place to catch a game. Your seats were amazing! It sounds like you had a blast. Love your friend´s Boston hat. So cute. You guys all look amazing! Have a great Monday!

  3. What a fantastic weekend you had! It does sound very quintessential New England. The steamers and lobster look divine!

  4. What a great weekend! I watched some of the Yannkees/Red Sox games this weekend and thought about you being there. Those were great seats and what a fun night!

  5. Baseball and a beach day sounds like a pretty perfect weekend to me. I love a baseball game. I've never been to Fenway but I know it's a great park. I'm a Phillies fan but nobody's really a Yankee fan, are they? : ) Glad you had a fun weekend!

  6. How fun! I haven't been to a ballgame in years, but I always loved it when we did get to or was always fun!

  7. As a former new Yorker, I know how fierce the Yankee/Red Sox rivalry is! I'm sure going to the game was fun, nonetheless. I've visited Fenway Park a few times with my children on school trips to Boston and once saw a game sitting in front of the BIG GREEN WALL :)

  8. Looks like such a fun weekend! I really want to go back to the east coast!

  9. What an absolutely fabulous weekend! Yay for time at the beach and nothing beats a seafood dinner near the shore.

  10. What a fantastic weekend. Looks like you all had a blast watching the baseball! Watching an American baseball game in a stadium is on my bucket list!

  11. What a fun Summer-filled weekend! Everything looked wonderful! The beach, the restaurant, the baseball game! So great making memories! I will say- I have never had a "steamah".... Maybe one day I'll come up to New England and try one. :)
